Rudolf Karl Lueneburg

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Rudolf Karl Lüneburg (born March 30, 1903 in Volkersheim (Bockenem) ; † August 19, 1949 in Great Falls (Montana) , USA ; in the USA initially Lueneburg , later mostly Luneburg , incorrectly also Luneberg ) was a German mathematician and physicist . As a professor of mathematics and optics, he taught at the Eye Institute at Dartmouth College, among others . He is the namesake of the retroreflective Lüneburg lenses .


Lüneburg studied in Göttingen , where he received his doctorate in 1930. On the run from the National Socialists he worked 1934-1935 as a physicist at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and in 1935 emigrated to the United States. There he first worked in the mathematics faculty of New York University . From 1938 to 1945 he was employed in the research department of the Spencer Lens Company, part of the American Optical Company , in Rochester , New York. After a teaching position at Brown University in the summer of 1944, he went permanently to the Dartmouth Eye Institute at Brown University in 1946 , where he worked on the electromagnetic theory of optics and published several articles and books. From 1946 to 1948 he was a mathematician at the Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics at New York University with teaching assignments at the University of Marburg and the Technical University of Darmstadt . His last job was in 1949 as a professor of mathematics at the University of Southern California .

In 1949 Lüneburg died in a car accident.


  • Rudolf Lüneburg: The problem of random walk without direction restriction and the boundary value problem of the potential theory. Dissertation, Department of Mathematics, Göttingen, May 20, 1930
  • published in: Mathematische Annalen. 104, 1931, pp. 700-738 ( online )
  • Rudolf Lüneburg: A remark on the proof of a theorem about almost periodic functions . In: Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser . tape 12 , no. 3 . Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 1932, p. 1-7 .
  • Rudolf K. Luneberg: Mathematical theory of optics . Brown University, Lecture Notes, Providence, RI 1944.
  • Reprint: Rudolf K. Luneburg: Mathematical theory of optics . University of California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1964 (foreword by E. Wolf, additional information by M. Herzberger).
  • Rudolf K. Luneburg: Mathematical Analysis of Binocular Vision . Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 1947.
  • Rudolf K. Luneburg: Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves . Lecture Notes, New York University 1947-48.
  • “Lecture Notes” by Rudolf K. Luneburg from his time at New York University


  • AA Blank: The Luneburg Theory of Binocular Visual Space. In: Journal of the Optical Society of America. 43, 1953, pp. 717-721 ( abstract ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RK Luneburg, Max Herzberger: Mathematical theory of optics . University of California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles 1964, pp. IX .
  2. Interview with Joseph B. Keller . In: Notices of the AMS . tape 7 , no. 51 , 2004, p. 751-760 ( [PDF]).
  3. Short biography of Rudolf Karl Luneburg