Rudolf Matzner

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Rudolf Matzner (born September 10, 1930 in Magdeburg ; † August 28, 2019 in Bremen ) was a German local historian , speaker and author .



Rudolf Matzner grew up in the Altmark . He came to Bremen in 1950 and became a resident there. In 1957 he entered the civil service and worked in the Bremen judiciary . At the same time he was involved in the then trade union ÖTV and in the staff council of the penal institutions of the state of Bremen, of which he was chairman for a number of years. He was promoted to chief inspector and worked, among other things, as a department head in the area of ​​the Bremen Justice Senator .

In addition to his judicial service, from 1984 he gave lectures on questions of road safety for the German Road Safety Council . Matzner retired in 1990.

Local historian, speaker and author

The Bremen market square and its "story (s)" were among Rudolf Matzner's favorite topics.

In his adopted home of Bremen and the surrounding area, Matzner was active as a local historian for decades, mainly dealing with the history of the north German homeland and the history of the Hanseatic city of Bremen. One focus was on " Bremen-Nord und umzu", and in particular the northern Bremen district of Lesum , where he moved with his family in 1970. Since 1984 he was a member of the Heimat- und Beschönerungsverein Bremen-Lesum e. V. (HVL) and temporarily member of the board. Since the mid-1990s, Matzner has written numerous articles for the HVL's bulletin and information sheet, the Lesumer Bote , in which, in addition to association announcements, mainly local articles from the region are published every quarter. In addition, until 2014 he was part of the then two-person editorial team of Lesumer Bote . He also wrote numerous articles for the regional and cultural magazine Heimat-Rundblick , of which he has also been a member since 2003. His essays tell, among other things, "of walks through the city, of Bremen houses that are usually not accessible, and of the stories behind the story".

Matzner put together an extensive collection of slides that document several decades of local history in mostly self-made photographs and which he combined in some cases with historical recordings in his slide shows . He held a large number of author readings and slide lectures on the local history topics he worked on in senior citizens' and cultural centers, libraries, home houses and other meeting places in Bremen and Lower Saxony, and in doing so became "known beyond the boundaries of the Hanseatic city". In addition, he reported in slide lectures on his travels at home and abroad, including from 1989 onwards at events organized by the Bremen Senior Citizens ' Cultural Circle , and organized tours of cultural history and visits to churches, parks and cemeteries. He brought out several books that deal with the local history in Bremen. Among his Bremensien in particular his book about the Bremen textile manufacturer " Baron Ludwig Knoop " and the "Parks and mansions above the Lesum " was positively received by the criticism and is already available in the fourth edition.

The Countess Emma Monument in Lesum, which was initiated by Rudolf Matzner (sculptor:
Christa Baumgärtel , 2009)

In addition, he dealt in a special way with Countess Emma von Lesum , who once resided at Gut Lesum , who worked as a benefactor for the poor and as a donor for the Bremen Cathedral and who is considered one of the great female figures of the Middle Ages . Matzner thoroughly researched Emma's history; In addition, he was the initiator and played a major role in the establishment of a monument in honor of Countess Emma on Lesum's market square, which was operated by the Lesum Heimatverein (local history association) and which was erected in 2009 . The life-size bronze sculpture of the countess was made by the sculptor Christa Baumgärtel .


Rudolf Matzner was married, lived with his wife in Bremen and had two children with her. He died in August 2019 at the age of 88.

Publications (selection)

  • Baron Ludwig Knoop. Park and mansions above the Lesum. 4th edition. Verlag M. Simmering , Lilienthal 2006, ISBN 3-927723-99-1 ( review ).
  • Stories about the Bremen market square. Interesting, unknown and curious. Verlag M. Simmering, Lilienthal 2007, ISBN 978-3-927723-63-4 .
  • The Bremen monastery ox train. Bremen monastery and church stories. Interesting, unknown and curious. Druckpresse-Verlag , Lilienthal 2011 ( review ).
  • Memories of the St. Nicholas Church in Bremen-Burg. In: Heimat-Rundblick. History, culture, nature . No. 88, 1/2009 ( spring 2009 ). Verlag M. Simmering, ISSN  2191-4257 , pp. 16-17.
  • Who was Julius Bamberger? In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 89, 2/2009 ( summer 2009 ). Verlag M. Simmering, p. 10.
  • Stories about the parish of Wasserhorst. Part 1. In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 95, 4/2010 ( winter 2010 ). Druckpresse-Verlag, p. 24;
    Part 2. In: Heimat-Rundblick No. 96, 1/2011 ( spring 2011 ), pp. 20–21.
  • A Bremen song goes around the world. Memory of Pastor Joachim Neander. In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 99, 4/2011 ( winter 2011 ), pp. 10-11.
  • Wilhelm Kaisen. A memorial in honor of the former mayor. In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 100, 1/2012 ( spring 2012 ), p. 24.
  • The silent returnees. Linz diploma again in possession of Bremen. In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 101, 2/2012 ( summer 2012 ), pp. 26-27.
  • Bremen's Dominican monks and the battle of Altenesch. In: Heimat-Rundblick . No. 102, 3/2012 ( autumn 2012 ), pp. 26–27.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (fr): Loyal to the company →  Rudolf Matzner. In: Weser-Kurier of May 21, 1982, p. 22. *
  2. See for example: Notes and appointments →  Emergency services →  Rönnebeck [...]: “Lecture 'Older people as pedestrians in road traffic' by Rudolf Matzner from the German Road Safety Council.” In: Die Norddeutsche from January 16, 1985, p. II. *
  3. ^ Editing team of the Lesumer Bote . On: Website of the home and embellishment association Bremen-Lesum e. V. (HVL). Retrieved November 7, 2012.
  4. a b Nils Schulz: Stories about the market. Rudolf Matzner on the hunt for clues in his adopted home of Bremen / A collection of articles. In: Kurier am Sonntag , Bremen, from November 25, 2007, p. 13. *
  5. For example, in the various main and regional editions of Bremer Tageszeitungen AG alone, as of November 7, 2012, more than five hundred different events by Rudolf Matzner can be identified. *
  6. ^ Anne Gerling: Donations for a benefactor. Heimatverein Lesum seeks financial support for Countess Emma statue. In: Die Norddeutsche of June 23, 2007, p. 3. *
  7. Klaus Grunewald: Not everyone knows that it's Emma. The Countess's monument on the market square has not yet been given an information board. In: Die Norddeutsche from September 30, 2009, title page. *
  8. See: Obituaries. In: Weser-Kurier of September 7, 2019, p. 29. *
* Available online via the digital newspaper archive of Bremer Tageszeitungen AG (subject to a charge).