Rufus Byam Richardson

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Rufus Byam Richardson (born April 18, 1845 in Westford , Massachusetts , † March 10, 1914 in Clifton Springs , New York ) was an American archaeologist and university professor who was director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) was.


Rufus Byam Richardson, son of Joseph Richardson and his wife, Lucy M. Byam Richardson, began a post-school undergraduate degree at Yale University , which he in 1869 with a Bachelor of Arts finished (BA). He then began postgraduate studies at the Yale Divinity School in 1869 , which he continued between 1872 and 1874 at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . In 1878 he earned a Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D. ) at Yale University and in 1880 accepted a professorship for the Greek language at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB), where he taught until 1882. He was then from 1882 to 1893 Professor of Greek at Dartmouth College, and during this time also earned a Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div.) At Yale University in 1883.

Richardson, who edited Æschines Oration Against Ctesiphon in 1889 , was director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) from 1893 to 1903 . During this time, the ASCSA took responsibility for the excavations in Corinth in 1896 . He became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1900 .

His marriage to Alice Linden Bowen on September 6, 1876 had three children, including the diplomat Gardner Aspinwall Richardson. After his death he was buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn .


In addition to his teaching activities, Richardson wrote various non-fiction books, which dealt in particular with his work as director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and his travel experiences in Greece . These works include:

  • Æschines Oration Against Ctesiphon , editor, 1889
  • Vacation days in Greece , 1904 ( online version )
  • Greece through the stereoscope , 1907 ( online version )
  • A history of Greek sculpture , 1911 ( online version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the American Academy. Listed by election year, 1900–1949 on the homepage of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences