Saeb Erekat

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Saeb Erekat with Tzipi Livni (2014)

Saeb Erekat ( Arabic صائب عريقات Ṣāʾib ʿUraiqāt ; * April 28, 1955 in Abu Dis ; † November 10, 2020 in Jerusalem ) was a Palestinian politician ( Fatah ) and long-time chief negotiator in the Palestinian - Israeli negotiations.


Erekat studied in San Francisco and Bradford and had a PhD in political science. After his return he was a professor at the University of Nablus . He worked for twelve years as a correspondent for the daily newspaper al-Quds al-arabi . His work history includes the Oslo Peace Process from 1996 until his first resignation in 2003. Three months after his resignation, he was reappointed by Yasser Arafat . For Fatah , Erekat was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in the Jericho constituency in 2006. From 2015 to 2020 he was Secretary General of the PLO .

Political attitude

During his studies in Great Britain, Erekat came to the conviction that the Middle East conflict could only be resolved through negotiation. Therefore, he was an advocate of the two-state solution and viewed the Israeli settlements as an obstacle to peace. He vehemently criticized the annexation plans of Israel in the West Bank and the "peace plan" of US President Donald Trump , which he described as the "fraud of the century". He sharply criticized the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel in 2020. He was thus on the line of Mahmud Abbas , as his possible successor he was last traded.

Medical treatment and death in Israel, controversy

In 2017, Erekat had to undergo a lung transplant . In October 2020 he became seriously ill with COVID-19 and had to be sedated and ventilated , after which his oxygen supply was ensured using an ECMO device. The functions of other organs also began to deteriorate . At the request of the Palestinian Authority, he received intensive care in Israel , first in Tel Aviv, then in a Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem , where he died on November 10, 2020.

This treatment of a high-ranking PLO official also met with criticism in Israel. In social media to attack piled up Hadassah , also demands the Israeli state should be Erekat die were loud. There were also protests in front of the hospital where Erekat was treated. In return , Michal Cotler-Wunsh , a member of the Knesset for Kachol Lavan , demanded humanitarian concessions from the Palestinians, for example through the release of Israeli soldiers who are held captive by Hamas . Knesset member Ariel Kallner of Likud saw Israel's treatment of Erekat as a sign of weakness; instead of investing in terrorism, the Palestinians should have invested in building their own health system. Knesset MP Bezalel Smotrich also said: "The very fact that some believe that it is moral to look after an enemy is not moral." In the newspapers Haaretz and Jedi'ot Acharonot, however, the treatment was seen as an act of humanity and humanity judged.


Erekat was married with twin daughters and two sons. He last lived in Jericho .

Web links

Commons : Saeb Erekat  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b PLO General Secretary Erekat in an artificial coma. In: Deutsche Welle. October 19, 2020, accessed October 20, 2020 .
  2. PLO General Secretary Erekat passed away , Kleine Zeitung on November 10, 2020
  3. Sick with COVID-19, Saeb Erekat's organs start to deteriorate. In: Jerusalem Post. October 23, 2020, accessed on October 23, 2020 .
  4. a b Erekat’s Hadassah care must be top priority for Israel - comment. In: Jerusalem Post. October 20, 2020, accessed on October 23, 2020 .
  5. ^ Israeli doctors treat PLO general secretary. Israel is now debating whether or not to treat one's enemies. In: Israel today. October 20, 2020, accessed October 25, 2020 .
  6. ^ Long-time Palestinian peace negotiator Saeb Erekat dies , Deutsche Welle on November 10, 2020