Salmo balcanicus

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Salmo balcanicus
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo balcanicus
Scientific name
Salmo balcanicus
( Karaman , 1927)

Salmo balcanicus is a species from the family of salmon fish (salmonids), which is endemic in the northwest of the Lake Ohrid at the Albanian - nordmazedonischen occur border and at its discharge. Since the spawning grounds at the outflow of the lake are blocked by a weir and two reservoirs, the species may have become extinct.


Salmo balcanicus reaches a length of 40 centimeters, possibly more. Outwardly it is very similar to the Ohrid trout ( Salmo letnica ) and Salmo aphelios , but differs from these species by its pale pink flesh. The head and body are silvery with black spots. Red spots are mainly present on the lateral line organ .

Way of life

The species spawns at the outflow of the lake from October to January, which separates them from the species Salmo letnica , which spawn in January and February, and Salmo aphelios , which spawns on the east coast of the lake in May to July .


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