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Salvadora oleoides, illustration

Salvadora oleoides , illustration

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden II
Order : Cruciferous (Brassicales)
Family : Salvadoraceae
Scientific name

The Salvadoraceae are a family of plants in the order of the cruciferous (Brassicales).


Toothbrush tree ( Salvadora persica ), inflorescence

They are shrubs with very small, simple leaves or small trees with opposite, very leathery, simple leaves. Stipules are only rudimentary . They are xerophytes . Few species climb.

The plants can be mono or dioecious. The flowers can be unisexual or hermaphroditic. The mostly four-fold flowers are small. The sepals (sepals) are fused. The petals are free. There are either one or two fertile stamen circles, each with usually four (rarely five) stamens . Two carpels have become a top permanent ovary grown. The fleshy fruits are berries or stone fruits , they are mostly solitary.

Azima tetracantha
Salvadora Oleoides
Toothbrush tree ( Salvadora persica )


They mostly occur in dry climates . There are areas in Africa (including Madagascar ), on the Indian subcontinent , in Southeast Asia and in the western Malay Archipelago .


Mustard oil glycosides are present. The species Azima tetracantha contains piperidine alkaloids ( azimin , azcarpin , carpain ), flavonoids and various glycosides . It is a food and medicinal plant in Africa, Madagascar and India, where it is used for toothache and it has anti-inflammatory properties. The arak tree ( Salvadora persica ) is also widely used in oral hygiene, e.g. B. in the Middle East, where it is known by the rural population as miswak ("Kaustock").


In the family of the Salvadoraceae there are three genera with eleven (to twelve) species:

  • Azima Lam. : With about four types; they occur from Africa to Hainan, the Philippines and the Lesser Sunda Islands .
  • Dobera Juss. : With two kinds; they occur in tropical East Africa and from southern Arabia to northwest India.
  • Salvadora L .: With five species that occur from Africa to tropical Asia, including:


Individual evidence

  1. RN Bennett et al .: Profiling glucosinolates, flavonoids, alkaloid, and other secondary metabolites in tissues of Azima tetracantha L. (Salvadoraceae). J. Agric. Food Chem. 52/19/2004. Pp. 5856-62. PMID 15366832
  2. ^ SS Hebbar et al .: Ethnomedicine of Dharwad district in Karnataka, India - plants used in oral health care. J Ethnopharmacol . 94 / 2–3 / 2004. Pp. 261-6. PMID 15325728
  3. ^ TS Ismail et al .: Anti-inflammatory activity of Salacia oblonga Wall. and Azima tetracantha Lam. J Ethnopharmacol. 56/2/1997. Pp. 145-52. PMID 9174976
  4. Hua Peng & Michael G. Gilbert: Salvadoraceae. In: Flora of China, vol. 11, Salvadoraceae. Azima
  5. ^ Salvadora in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved October 6, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Salvadoraceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files