Salzburg seminar

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The Salzburg Seminar is a non-profit organization based in Schloss Leopoldskron / Salzburg , which organizes events on topics such as health care, education, culture, geopolitics and the like. a. performs.


The Salzburg Seminar was established in 1947 by Harvard students Clemens Heller , Richard Campbell and Scott Elledge. As a kind of “intellectual Marshall Plan ”, it was supposed to bring together prospective leaders of all nations from a wide variety of specialist fields for lectures and discussions after the war and thus promote international understanding and tolerance.

Since then, more than 25,000 “Fellows” from over 150 countries, from business, science, culture, justice and administration have taken part in the seminars. The exchange of experiences and ideas, which takes place at a technically high level, but at the same time in a very personal, informal atmosphere, and the resulting contacts and friendships promote international understanding, mutual respect and togetherness through bridging between different ideological, political and religious convictions. There are now so-called alumni groups in over 60 countries , the members of which are often active in leading positions in government offices, ministries, large companies and banks such as B. the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, the Egyptian Mohammed el-Baradei .

To maintain the internationality and exclusivity of the respective seminar, a maximum of two participants from one country should take part in a session. Participation in a session should only take place on the basis of recommendations from two former seminarians. Then every seminarist becomes part of the international, influential network.

Speakers from the USA included Warren Christopher , Saul Bellow , Warren Burger , from Europe Leon Brittan , Jean François-Poncet , Alois Mock , Václav Havel , Václav Klaus , Marcel Marceau , Leo Tindemans , Simone Veil , Franz Vranitzky , Klaus Liebscher, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell , Ljubiša Krgović.

The approximately 2000 speakers and fellows from Germany include Edzard Reuter , Helmut Schmidt , Jutta Limbach , Ernst Welteke , Helmut Schieber , Peter Schmidhuber , Franz-Christoph Zeitler , Andreas Dombret , Jochen Sanio , August Everding , Wolfgang Zeidler , Otto Wolff von Amerongen , the brothers Frank and Mark Wössner , Günter Ollenschläger Joachim Kaiser , Kurt Biedenkopf , Peter Eigen , Ralf Dahrendorf .

LAWSS is an independent subgroup of the Salzburg Seminar. The Legal Alumni Web of the Salzburg Seminar was launched in 1997. Since then, lawyers and those interested in legal issues have met once a year to intensively discuss current developments and the like. a. on banking, economic and currency law, the fight against corruption and money laundering, EU constitutional law, etc.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Clemens Heller was the third son of the Viennese bookseller Hugo Heller