Samuel harbor hit

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Samuel Hafenreffer in the Tübingen Professorengalerie

Samuel Hafenreffer (born April 26, 1587 in Herrenberg ; † September 26, 1660 in Tübingen ) was a German doctor, medic and professor at the University of Tübingen .


Samuel Hafenreffer, the son of the theologian Matthias Hafenreffer , was matriculated in Tübingen in 1600 and received his Bacc degree in 1601 . art. and 1604 the Mag. art. Hafenreffer belonged in Tübingen to the circle of friends of the chiliastic lawyer and theosophist Tobias Hess . This group also included, for example, Johann Valentin Andreae , Christoph Besold , Wilhelm Bidembach von Treuenfels , Abraham Hölzel , Thomas Lansius and Wilhelm Schickard .

After studying medicine, he was tutor to the sons of Baron Johann Ulrich von Starhemberg in Austria for three years . For further training he studied at the University of Wittenberg in 1612 , then in Basel and Strasbourg . In 1614 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In 1614 he was a physician in Kirchheim / Teck and in Austria. In 1620 he worked in Tübingen, 1642 in Biberach and 1647 again in Kirchheim / Teck. In 1648 he followed a call as a full professor of medicine in Tübingen. In 1653, 1656/57 and 1659/60 he was rector of the University of Tübingen. His portrait therefore hangs in the professors' gallery in Tübingen .

Scientific activities

Frontispiece from Samuel Hafenreffer's Nosodochium (Ulm 1660).

In 1660, Samuel Hafenreffer published a definition of itching ( pruritus ), an unpleasant sensation of the skin, which provokes scratching with fingernails or other aids. He is considered to be the author of the first book on skin diseases in the German cultural area.

He used the musical notation created 300 years earlier to record the frequencies and qualities of the human pulse and described it as the "sweetest melody in life".

In one of his books he published a tarantella , a piece of music to cure the alleged of Apulian tarantulas bitten dance crowd . The tarantism is still present in Puglia.

Fonts (selection)

  • Monochordon symbolico-biomanticum. Abstrussissimam pulsuum doctrinam, ex harmoniis musicis dilucidè, figurisque oculariter demonstrans, de causis et prognosticis inde promulgandis fideliter instruens, & jucundè per medicam praxin resonans pulsatum . Kühnen, Ulm 1640.


  • Reinhold Scholl: The portrait collection of the University of Tübingen, 1477 to 1927. (= writings of the Association for Württembergische Familienkunde , issue 2.) Publishing house by K. Ad. Emil Müller, Stuttgart 1927, p. ??.
  • Georg Alexander Rost : Samuel Hafenreffer, author of the first textbook on dermatology in the German cultural area. In: Journal for Skin and Venereal Diseases 14, 1953, pp. 227-230.
  • Peter Lyncker: Samuel Hafenreffer, 1587-1660 life, work, its importance for dermatology . Huth, Tübingen 1966. Med. Dissertation Tübingen 1966.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rapini, Ronald P .; Bolognia, Jean L .; Jorizzo, Joseph L .: Dermatology: 2-Volume Set . Mosby, St. Louis 2007, ISBN 1-4160-2999-0 , p. 91.
  2. Georg Alexander Rost: Samuel Hafenreffer, author of the first textbook on dermatology in the German cultural area. In: Journal for Skin and Venereal Diseases 14, 1953; Albrecht Scholz: History of Dermatology in Germany . Springer, Berlin 1999, p. 3.
  3. Entry pulse in Werner E. Gerabek, Werner Gerabek: Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2005. p. 1202.