Samuel Sigmund Rosenstein

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Samuel Sigmund Rosenstein

Samuel Sigmund Rosenstein (born February 20, 1832 in Berlin , † January 31, 1906 in The Hague ) was a German medic .


Samuel Sigmund was born the son of the rabbi Elchanan (Elkan) Rosenstein (born January 10, 1796 in Chodzież / South Prussia; † January 14, 1869 in Berlin) and his first wife Rachel (1798-1832). He attended the Friedrichswerder High School in his hometown and in 1850 moved to the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . Here he initially studied philosophy under Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg . He later switched to the medical sciences, with Rudolf Virchow , Johann Lukas Schönlein , Ludwig Traube and Bernhard von Langenbeck becoming his formative teachers. On August 25, 1854, he received his doctorate in medicine with the thesis De cyclopia inter animalia observata .

In 1856 he became an assistant doctor at the hospital in Danzig and in 1858 he settled as a doctor in Berlin. In 1863 he completed his habilitation as a private lecturer in his hometown and was appointed professor of medicine, pathology and forensic medicine at the University of Groningen on November 2, 1865 . He undertook this task with the speech on the relationship between science and practice in medicine with regard to the task of the clinic . He also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1870/71. On January 7, 1873 he was appointed professor of medicine and pathology at the University of Leiden , which task he took on on May 2, 1873 with the speech Het tegenwoordig karakter der geneeskunde (Leiden 1873). Here he was also rector of the Alma Mater in 1887/88 , for which he gave the speech About de molecular ontwikkeling van de ein. Cellen in het Menschlijk organismus when resigning from the office . On September 23, 1902, he retired for reasons of age.

Rosenstein, who was also the personal physician of King Willem III , received numerous awards. So he became commander of the Order of the Dutch Lion , Commander of the Golden Lion of Nassau , from the German Emperor Wilhelm II. In 1902 he received the Red Eagle Order 3rd Class and an honorary doctorate from the Law Faculty of the University of Edinburgh . He was an honorary member of the Doctor's Society in Groningen, a member of the Natural and Medical Society in Amsterdam, a corresponding member of the Association for Internal Medicine in Berlin and an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium.


Rosenstein was married to Frederika Morwitz (* 1835 in Danzig; † October 15, 1893 in Leiden). The children are known from marriage:

  • Anna Rachel Rosenstein (born March 1, 1867 in Groningen),
  • Paul Heinrich Rosenstein (born August 22, 1868 in Groningen), later a doctor in The Hague
  • Louise Theodora Rosenstein (born August 22, 1868 in Groningen)
  • Gertrud Jacoba Rosenstein (born September 18, 1870 in Groningen, † February 2, 1904 in Leiden) who on April 15, 1897 in Leiden Dr. med. in Cologne Alfred Leopold Oppenheim (born May 22, 1863 in Cologne) married.

Works (selection)

  • The pathology and therapy of kidney diseases. Berlin 1863, 1870, 1886, 1894. (Table of contents on: )
  • The diseases of the endocardium. In: Zwiemssen's _Handbuch der spec. Pathology. Vol. VI (21st edition 1879)
  • About the connection between heart and kidney diseases. In: Virchov's archive.
  • On the etiology of parenchymal nephritis. In: Virchov's archive.
  • About diabetes mellitus. In: Virchov's archive.
  • About epilepsia saturnina. In: Virchov's archive.
  • On tuberculosis of the urinary organs. In: Berlin clinical weekly.
  • On the doctrine of the pulsus bigeminus. In: Berlin clinical weekly.
  • To the knowledge of the primary meningitis cerebri simplex. In: Berlin clinical weekly.
  • On the theory of the heart beat. In: German Archive for Clinical Medicine.


  • Paul Henri Simon Thomas: ROSENSTEIN (Samuel Sigmund) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 4. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1169–1170 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1918, reprinted unchanged).
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Vol. 5, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna / Leipzig, p. 85.
  • How is that? Uitgevers-Maatschaapij “Vivat”, Amsterdam 1902, p. 389.
  • Onze Hoogleeraren. Portretten en Biografieën. Nihgh & van Ditmar. Rotterdam 1898, p. 75.
  • JB: Prof. Dr. SS Rosenstein. In: Jaarboekje voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde van Leiden en Omstreken. Nautilus, Leiden 1907. (online at: , PDF; 4.1 MB)

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