Sauro Gelichi

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Sauro Gelichi (born April 15, 1954 in Piombino ) is an Italian archaeologist with a focus on late antiquity and the early Middle Ages .

life and work

Gelichi graduated from the Liceo Classico of Piombino in 1972 to enroll at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Pisa . In 1976 he became secretary of the journal Archeologia Medievale , and in 1977 he received his doctorate from Cesare Letta with a thesis on Le stele romane con rappresentazione di porta nella Marsica . From 1977 to 1979 he conducted seminars on excavation techniques and medieval ceramics in collaboration with the University of Siena . He also took part in a number of excavations as co-direttore . In addition, he carried out his own research on the ceramics in Tuscany and the history of the settlement . In 1978 he organized an exhibition in Prato about the excavations in the Palazzo Pretorio there, and in 1979 he took part in the exhibition on the Medici Fortress of Grosseto .

In 1981 Gelichi was appointed Ispettore archeologo medievista in the Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna. In 1984 he became a corresponding member of the Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Province di Romagna and became a member of the editorial team of the Archeologia Medievale . In addition, he appeared as a science organizer, for example when he was a member of the Italian committee at the III Congresso Internazionale sulla Ceramica nel Mediterraneo Occidentale ( Siena - Faenza 1984), a function in which he also participated in the IV Congress in Lisbon in 1987 and the V Congress organized in Rabat in 1991. From 1989 to 1992 he headed the restoration workshop of the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Bologna .

From 1992 he taught medieval archeology at the University of Pisa , and from 1997 also in Venice . In 2003 he was appointed there. From 1999 to 2000 he also taught at the University of Padua .

In 1993 he founded the Ricerche Fortificazioni altomedievali , together with Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Lanfredo Castelletti, Paola Marina De Marchi and Giuseppe Panzeri , of which he was a member of the Consiglio Direttivo until 1999 . Together with Gian Pietro Brogiolo he founded the monograph series Documenti di Archeologia . From 1993 he was a member of the four-person executive committee of Archeologia Medievale , as well as the advisory committee of the Padusa magazine . From 1998 he led the series Ricerche di Archeologia Altomedievale e Medievale together with Riccardo Francovich . He was also a co-founder of the Società degli Archeologi Medievisti , whose secretary he was until 2000 and whose president he was until 2004. Since then he has been in the Consiglio Direttivo . In 2004 he was appointed Ispettore Onorario Archeologo , with responsibility for the Middle Ages in the Emilia-Romagna region .

Gelichi mainly deals with Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy , but also undertook excavations further south, such as at Colle Fiorano ( Loreto Aprutino ) or in Entella in Sicily , as well as in Tunisia (Teboursouk in the Governorate of Béja ) , where he worked with Marco Milanese from 1995 to 2000 and examined the change processes in the transition from Byzantine to Islamic rule; In 1998 he worked on an excavation in Laodicea, Turkey , which he took over in 2001. From 1999 he headed the Italo-Syrian mission at the Harim excavation site in northwest Syria .

His focus remained on ceramics, in particular the Byzantine and Islamic as well as those of northern Italy . The focus was on the transfer of technologies in the late medieval Mediterranean area as well as those between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages . Finally, he developed an overview of the early medieval epigraphic sources of Romagna within the framework of the research group Inscriptiones Italiae Medii Aevii: Tra Venezia, Lombardia Orientale ed Emilia Romagna .

Publications (selection)

  • Materiali tardo-medievali dal territorio castiglionese , Castiglion della Pescaia 1977.
  • with Riccardo Francovich , Dario Melloni, Guido Vannini (eds.): I saggi archeologici nel Palazzo Pretorio in Prato. 1976/77 , Florence 1978.
  • with Riccardo Francovich, Roberto Parenti: Aspetti e problemi di forme abitative minori attraverso la documentazione materiale nella Toscana medievale , in Archeologia Medievale VII (1980) 173–246.
  • La ceramica ingubbiata medievale nell'Italia nord-orientale , in: La ceramica medievale nel Mediterraneo occidentale, Siena-Faenza 1984 , Florence 1984, pp. 353-407.
  • with Riccardo Merlo (ed.): Archeologia medievale a Bologna. Gli scavi nel convento di san Domenico , Bologna 1987 (exhibition catalog).
  • Ferrara prima e dopo il Castello (Ferrara. Castello Estense) , Ferrara 1992 (exhibition catalog).
  • La ceramica a Faenza nel Trecento , Faenza Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche, Faenza (exhibition catalog).
  • with Nicoletta Giordani (Ed.): Il tesoro nel pozzo. Pozzi-deposito e tesuarizzazioni nell'antica Emilia , Modena 1994 (exhibition catalog).
  • with Luigi Malnati, Jacopo Ortalli: L'Emilia centro-occidentale tra la tarda età imperiale e l'alto medioevo , in: Società Romana e Impero Tardontico , Bari 1986, pp. 543-645.
  • with Riccardo Merlo (ed.): Archeologia medievale a Bologna. Gli scavi nel convento di san Domenico , Bologna 1987.
  • Ceramiche venete importate in Emilia-Romagna tra XIII e XIV secolo , in: Padusa XXIV (1988) 5-43.
  • Testimonianze archeologiche di età longobarda in Emilia-Romagna: le sepolture , XXXVI Corso di Cultura sull'Arte Ravennate e Bizantina , Ravenna 1989, pp. 149-188.
  • Castel Bolognese. Archeologia di un centro di nuova fondazione , Florence 1990.
  • Ceramiche e commerci con il Mediterraneo orientale nel tardo-medioevo (XII-XIII secolo) , XXXVIII Corso di Cultura sull'Arte Ravennate e Bizantina , Ravenna 1991, pp. 107-208.
  • (Ed.): Ferrara prima e dopo il Castello. Testimonianze archeologiche per la storia della città , Ferrara 1992.
  • (Ed.): La ceramica nel mondo bizantino tra XI e XV secolo ei suoi rapporti con l'Italia , Florence 1993.
  • with Gian Pietro Brogiolo (ed.): Le ceramiche altomedievali (fine VI-X secolo) in Italia settentrionale: produione e commerci, Monte Barro 1995 , Mantua 1996.
  • with Gian Pietro Brogiolo (Ed.): La città nell'alto medioevo italiano. Archeologia e storia , Rome, Bari 1998.
  • Indagini preliminari nel castello di Harim (Idlib - Siria) 1999 , in: Le missioni archeologiche dell'Università Ca 'Foscari di Venezia , Venice 2000, pp. 15-19.
  • with Claudio Negrelli: La ricognizione del 1999: Laodicea in età tardoantica e bizantina , in: Gustavo Traversari (ed.): Laodicea di Frigia I , Rome 2000, pp. 125–164.
  • Ceramic production and distribution in the early medieval Mediterranean basin (seventh to tenth centuries AD): between town and countryside , in: Towns and their Territories between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages , Brill, 2000, pp. 115-139.
  • The cities , in: Italy in Early Middle Ages 476-1000 , Oxford 2002, pp. 168-188.
  • Il castello di Harim (Idlib - Siria). Aggiornamenti sulla missione archeologica: la campagna di scavo 2000 , in: Le Missioni Archeologiche dell'Università Ca 'Foscari di Venezia. III giornata di Studio , Venice 2002, pp. 76-85.
  • Archeologia medievale in Veneto: un breve bilancio , in: Popoli e civiltà del Veneto antico. L'età tardoantica e il medioevo , Padua 2004, pp. 17-32.
  • with Giorgio Bejor, Jacopo Bonetto, Gustavo Traversari (eds.): Laodicea di Frigia II. La ricognizione 2000 , Padua 2005.
  • with Fulvio Baudo, Carlo Beltrame, Diego Calaon, Silvia Smyth: Isola di San Giacomo in Paludo (laguna nord, Venezia): gli scavi delle campagne del 2003 (SGP03a e SGP03b) , in: Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto XX (2004) 160 -177.
  • with Mitja Gustin: Stari Bar. The Archaeological Project 2004. Preliminary Report , Florence 2005.
  • The Citadel of Harim , in: Hugh Kennedy (Ed.): Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria. From the Coming of Islam to the Ottoman Period , Leiden 2006, pp. 184-200
  • A town through the ages. The 2006–2007 Archaeological Project in Stari Bar , Florence 2008.
  • L'isola del vescovo. Gli scavi intorno alla Cattedrale di Comacchio , Florence 2009.

Web links


  1. With Riccardo Francovich on the one hand: La ceramica nella Fortezza Medicea di Grosseto , Rome 1980, on the other hand: Archeologia e storia di un monumento mediceo. Gli scavi nel “cassero” senese della Fortezza di Grosseto , Bari 1980.