Schorischer National Park

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Mount Mustag

The Schorische National Park ( Russian Шорский национальный парк , Schorski nazionalny park) is a national park in Russia .


The Shorian National Park is located in Bergschorien (Горная Шория, Gornaja Shorija), a low mountain range between Kuznetsk Alatau , Sajan , Altai and Salair , south of the Kuzbass , Siberia . The mean height above sea level is 500 to 800 m, some peaks reach 1800  m . The park is traversed by the river Mras-Su , a tributary of the Tom . The total area of ​​the park is 338,300 hectares (since 1995, originally 418,200 hectares), divided into five sections.

Administratively, the territory of the park belongs to the Tashtagol Raion in the south of Kemerovo Oblast . The park occupies 4.3% of the area of ​​the oblast. The management of the park is located in the city of Tashtagol .


The Shorian National Park was established by decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on December 27, 1989.

Goal setting

The park will protect exemplary and special sections of ecosystems Mountain Scholars Riens, especially Siberian Zirbelkiefer- and "black" - Taiga and the preservation of cultural heritage of Shor serve indigenous people of the area, while tourism facilities.


The 60 mammals found in the park include mountain hare ( Lepus timidus ), squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ), sable ( Martes zibellina ), American mink ( Mustela vison ), weasel ( Mustela sibirica ), otter ( Lutra lutra ), wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) , Red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ), wolf ( Canis lupus ), Eurasian lynx ( Lynx lynx ), elk ( Alces alces ), Siberian mole ( Talpa altaica ), Burunduk ( Tamias sibiricus ), Eastern water vole ( Arvicola amphibius ), muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus ) , hamster ( cricetus cricetus ), ermine ( Mustela erminea ), weasels ( Mustela nivalis ), steppe ferret ( Mustela eversmannii ), Asian Badger ( Meles leucurus ), Brown Bear ( Ursus arctos ), Ren ( Rangifer tarandus ), Siberian musk deer ( Moscus moschiferus ) , Siberian deer ( Capreolus pygargus ), Altai Maral ( Cervus elaphus sibiricus ).

The avifauna is represented with over 140 species, including black stork ( Ciconia nigra ), golden eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) and osprey (Pandion haliaetus).

Among the fish from mountain chorias, trout fish such as grayling ( Thymallus sp. ), Lenok ( Brachymystax lenok ), taimen ( Hucho taimen ) are worth mentioning.


306,500 hectares (90.4%) of the national park are covered by forest. Siberian stone pine ( Pinus sibirica ) and Siberian fir ( Abies sibirica ) predominate , while Siberian spruce ( Picea obovata ), Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ), downy birch ( Betula pubescens ) and aspen ( Populus tremula ) are found. The undergrowth of the forests is made up of common bird cherry ( Prunus padus ) and Siberian mountain ash ( Sorbus sibirica ).

Over 60 rare or endangered plants grow in the park, which have been included in the so-called Red Books of Russia or the Kemerovo Oblast.

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 35 ′ 0 ″  N , 88 ° 20 ′ 0 ″  E