Sebastian Hempel

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Sebastian Hempel (born November 6, 1593 in Guhrau , Duchy of Glogau , † June 22, 1650 in Stettin ) was a German lawyer , most recently director of the Stettin court .


His father Valentin Hempel was a councilor in the Silesian town of Guhrau, his mother Dorothea Held was a daughter of the local mayor. After training with private tutors, Sebastian Hempel went to school in nearby Lissa for a year , then to grammar schools in Lüben and Breslau . He then studied at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt , the University of Wittenberg , the University of Heidelberg and the Philipps University of Marburg . At the University of Basel , he was finally in 1620 to Dr. iur. utr. PhD.

During his studies he met Johann Schwallenberg, who became the ducal chancellor in Stettin . Schwallenberg brought Hempel to Stettin in 1621, where Hempel became an assessor at the court in Stettin .

Hempel became an influential man during the difficult time of the last years of the reign of the last Pomeranian Duke Bogislaw XIV and the years of the establishment of Swedish Pomerania . He was appointed royal Swedish councilor and agent by Sten Bielke , who had been the Swedish legate in Pomerania since 1631. After Duke Bogislaw XIV died in 1637, the court in Stettin initially ceased its judicial activity in 1638. In 1641, however, the Pomeranian administration and jurisdiction was restarted by Sweden. Hempel became director of the Stettin court, which has now resumed its activities, and at the same time a member of the Swedish government in Pomerania .

In 1648 Hempel was raised to the Swedish nobility (but not introduced into the Swedish knight house ). After the city of Stettin remained with Swedish Pomerania in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, but the greater part of Western Pomerania was awarded to Brandenburg, the court court of Stettin lost most of its judicial district. A merger with the Greifswald court, also located in Swedish-Pomerania, was discussed, but everything stayed the same during Hempel's lifetime. Hempel became a member of the commission for the Swedish side, which had to determine the exact borderline between Swedish-Pomerania and Brandenburg-Pomerania.

He died in Szczecin in 1650. The funeral sermon given by General Superintendent Jakob Fabricius from Szczecin has survived.

After his death, the position of director of the Stettin court was not filled again. The Stettin court was finally dissolved in 1657 and its judicial district was added to the Greifswald court.

Marriages and offspring

Sebastian Hempel married Elisabeth Schwalch in 1621 , a daughter of the Stettiner Land Syndic Samuel Schwalch . After the death of his first wife, Sebastian Hempel married Regina Simons in 1639 , a daughter of Walther Simons , personal physician of the Pomeranian Duke. Several children resulted from both marriages.


  • Nils Jörn : Hempel, Sebastian (1593-1650). In: Dirk Alvermann , Nils Jörn (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon für Pommern . Volume 1 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Series V, Volume 48.1). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne Weimar Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-412-20936-0 , pp. 118–120.


  1. Nils Jörn (Ed.): The Pomeranian Court Courts. History, staff, problems of research (= series of publications of the David-Mevius-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2). Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-8300-2940-3 , p. 312, fn. 36.
  2. Printed in: Nils Jörn (Hrsg.): Die Pommerschen Hofgerichte. History, staff, problems of research (= series of publications of the David-Mevius-Gesellschaft. Vol. 2). Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-8300-2940-3 , pp. 299-312.