Sepp Amschl

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Sepp Amschl (born March 12, 1878 in Mureck ; † July 17, 1943 in Graz ) was an Austrian teacher and composer .


Sepp Amschl's birthplace with the Patrizius Chapel on Mureck Church Square. (April 2014)

Sepp Amschl, actually Josef Gregorius Amschl, was the son of a respected family Murecker the one-time about 1500 inhabitants and the German - Slovenian language border situated Styrian market town born. Through his father Anton Johannes Amschl (1843-1911), who as a teacher, organist and choirmaster first ( choirmaster ) of the local choral society worked in Mureck, he came early with music in contact.

As a graduate of the teacher training institute in Graz, Amschl completed his training in 1897 and then worked until 1926 as a teacher at state schools, mainly in Zeltweg and Eggenberg near Graz. In addition to his professional activity, Amschl studied music, for which he passed the state examination in singing , harmony and music history in Vienna in 1912 .

As a composer, Amschl mainly created songs with a lyrical character. He is also known for a number of choral works and a festival mass for choir , organ and orchestra . Sepp Amschl died aged 65 as a school principal in retirement after a long illness in Graz.

Awards and honors

Memorial plaque for Sepp Amschl and his father on Mureck Kirchplatz. (April 2014)
  • In Mureck, Sepp Amschl-Strasse is named after him.
  • A memorial plaque is attached to the house where he was born in Mureck, Kirchplatz No. 4.


Amschl, Sepp. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 1, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1957, p. 19.