Sergei Tcherepanov

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Sergej Tcherepanov ( Russian Сергей Черепанов ; * 1967 in Zelinograd ) is a Russian organ and harpsichord instructor and church musician who works in Germany .

Live and act

Sergej Tcherepanov was born in 1967 in northern Kazakhstan (then the USSR). He completed his music studies at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow , studying piano with Viktor Merzhanow, and organ with Natalia Gureewa and Alexander Fiseisky. He attended other master classes for organ and harpsichord and worked in various early music ensembles , including working with Alexej Lübimov and Juri Baschmet .

He continued his organ studies in Germany in 1997 with Martin Haselböck at the Lübeck University of Music , and from 2000 to 2002 he carried out his concert exam studies with Wolfgang Zerer at the Hamburg University of Music . This was followed by further studies on historical organs with Martin Böcker (Stade) and Harald Vogel and master classes in Paris with Jean Guillou and Olivier Latry .

From 2000 to 2003 he was organist at the Arp Schnitger organ in Steinkirchen near Hamburg. Since 2002 he has been a lecturer for organ playing and piano accompaniment at the Lübeck University of Music . Since 2003 he has worked as a church musician and organist at the Petrikirche zu Bosau am Plöner See and is also the artistic director of the annual Bosau summer concerts . In 2009 he launched the successful Bosau International Summer Academy , which offered master classes in the subjects of organ, harpsichord, oboe and baroque violin. This academy is also to be held annually parallel to the summer concerts.

Sergej Tcherepanov's solo concert activities take him regularly to Russia and other CIS countries and other European countries. In addition to his work as a juror at organ competitions, he has taught in several CIS countries as a guest lecturer for organ and harpsichord. Several TV and CD recordings were made.


In 1997 Sergej Tcherepanov won the 34th competition of the Lübeck Possehl Foundation , in 2000 he was awarded the Arp Schnitger Society Prize , followed by other prizes in Germany and South Africa .


  • Programs of the Bosau Summer Concerts 2003–2009 and the Summer Academy 2009.
  • Lübeck organ summer in St. Jakobi, concert on July 24, 2009
  • Supplement to the CD Bosauer Musik-Sommer. 2004.
  • Ernst Kausen: Sergej Tcherepanov. (DOC file; 30 kB) 2009

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