Severin Göbel the Younger

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Severin Göbel the Younger (born January 14, 1569 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † April 9, 1627 ibid) was a German medic.


Severin was the son of Severin Göbel the Elder . He began his studies at the University of Königsberg and continued them at the University of Leipzig . Apparently he had acquired a master's degree in Leipzig and then spent two years at the Polish royal court. After visiting the University of Padua in 1589, traveling via Nuremberg , he appears to have made a new trip there in 1591. There he became the Council of the German Nation and had received his doctorate in medicine on September 7, 1596 .

After visiting Venice in the same year , he returned to his East Prussian homeland. Here he acted in 1597 as the personal physician of Duke Albrecht Friedrich of Prussia . In 1603 he became second full professor of medicine at the University of Königsberg. In this function he had also participated in the organizational tasks of the university in the winter semester 1606/07 and in the summer semester 1610 as rector of the alma mater . In 1617 he resigned from this professorship for health reasons and died. A disputation de cerebro ejusque partibus has come down to us from his writings .


His marriage to Maria (14 August 1578; † 27 January 1637), daughter of the mayor of the old town Georg von Weinbeer, resulted in 14 children, 10 of whom survived the father. From the children we know:

  • Severin Göbel († 1652), heir to Rauschnick , married. post. Trin. 1631 Veronika von der Gröben from the Tengen family, widow of Günther von der Gröben in Sehmen and Rauschnick.
  • Maria Göbel married 1626 with the court administrator of the old town Georg vom Stein
  • Ursula Göbel (~ December 1, 1604) married. 1636 with the electoral chancellery adjunct Simon Peltz (born October 29, 1602; † May 1652)
  • Georg Göbel (~ December 18, 1605)
  • Anna Göbel (~ April 15, 1607) married. in my first marriage in 1638 with the registrar Peter Hänisch; mated in second marriage Jan. 1648 with the Kneiphofer merchant Gottfried Greifenhagen
  • Dorothea (~ February 1, 1609) married. 1631 with Hans Schumann
  • Christina Göbel (~ July 10, 1610) m. 1638 with the merchant Gottfried Polemann
  • Barbara Göbel (~ August 20, 1611; † 1617)
  • Johannes (~ December 16, 1612)
  • Friedrich Göbel (~ February 28, 1614; † January 16, 1673) was a merchant in the old town of Königsberg, married. July 3, 1639 m. with Barbara, the daughter of the electoral councilor Dr. Bernhard Thegen on Brasnicken .
  • Barbara Göbel (~ May 5, 1617)
  • Kaspar Göbel (~ August 11, 1618)


  • Hanspeter Marti, Manfred Komorowski: The University of Königsberg in the early modern period. Verlag Böhlau, Cologne, 2008, ISBN 9783412201715 , p. 61
  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, p. 309
  • J. Gallandi: Königsberg councilors. In .: Rudolf Reinicke, Ernst Wichert: Old Prussian monthly new series. Ferdinand Beyer, Königsberg in Pr. 1882, p. 199 f.