Sidney Darlington

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Sidney Darlington (born July 18, 1906 Pittsburgh , USA ; † October 31, 1997 Exeter , New Hampshire ) was a well-known American electrical engineer .

life and work

After 1928 his Bachelor of Science ( Bachelor of science in) Physics with magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1929 and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from MIT got, he joined the staff of Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill , New Jersey , where he stayed until his retirement in 1971.

During this time, in addition to his doctorate (Doctor of Physics, 1940, Columbia University ), he received various awards for his work. Among other things, Darlington was the inventor of the pulse-compressing "chirp radar technology " and inventor of the Darlington circuit , named after him , in which two bipolar transistors are connected in series to increase the gain.

In 1978 Darlington was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences .

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Individual evidence

  1. Sidney Darlington: Development of a tuned laboratory vacuum tube galvanometer . 1929, OCLC 36620405 (BS Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 1929).
  2. Sidney Darlington: Synthesis of 4-reactance poles Which produce prescribed insertion loss characteristics, Including special applications to filter design, . Cambridge Mass. 1939, OCLC 35806342 (Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1940).