Siegmund von Suchodolski

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Color lithograph around 1925
"Noble fur animal show"
(poster, 1930)
"The Bartered Bride"
(movie poster, 1932)

Siegmund von Suchodolski (* July 8, 1875 in Weimar ; † July 28, 1935 in Munich ; first name often written Sigmund or Zygmunt ) was a German commercial artist , architect and painter .


Von Suchodolski, son of the painter Zdzisław Suchodolski and his wife Lisbeth von Bauer (* 1850), grandson of the Polish war painter January Suchodolski , great-nephew of the Polish poet Rajnold Suchodolski , studied architecture at the Munich School of Applied Arts and the Technical University of Munich .

As an architect he worked, among other things, as an employee of the architects Martin Dülfer and Theodor Fischer in Munich. From 1906 in particular he worked as a commercial and poster graphic artist in Munich, but also as an illustrator. It is especially in view of its animal pictures the naturalism attributed politically, however, the conservatism , because he especially after World War II political posters against Bolshevism for the Association for the Control of Bolshevism and anti- anarchism ( Out with you! ; Work, Protection against anarchy ; We do not tolerate anarchy. We will protect women and children ) designed. His Bismarck painting Our Fatherland is also known (reproduction in Der Türmer , 17th year, vol. II, 1914/15).


  • Animal Pictures: A Coloring Book, 1914
  • Animal studies, Ravensburg 1914 (drawing templates based on artist originals I).
  • Soldier pictures from the war of nations: a children's coloring book, Ravensburg 1916.

He illustrated the following publications, among others:

  • Friedrich Gerstäcker : Adventure Stories. Four stories. Braunschweig 1911. (16 black text images and four color images).
  • German Schwänke. 1st edition, Vienna 1913; Another edition, Vienna, Leipzig 1921/1922 and 1929. Reprints in the 1980s by publishers Jugend & Volk, Vienna and Parkland, Stuttgart (76 mostly color images).
  • Willibald Alexis : Herr von Bredow's trousers. Braunschweig 1918; Another edition, 1925. (twelve black text images and four colored inset images).
  • various title pages for the zoo magazine Das Tier und wir of the Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich.

Suchodolski painted and drew advertisements for the following companies: Ovaltine , Michael Huber Farben , Kronenbrauerei Donauwörth, Krämersche Kunstmühle, Hellabrunn Zoo, Deutsche Reichsbahn, Diamalt cough drops.

Web links

Commons : Siegmund von Suchodolski  - collection of images, videos and audio files