Siegmund von Wallenrodt

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Siegmund von Wallenrodt (* 1. July 1604 in Köcksten ; † 13. March 1649 ) was a kurbrandenburger country obrist of the Duchy of Prussia , Amtshauptmann of Oletzko and hereditary lord on Draulitten , Pinnow and Kuckow .

His parents were the heir to Köcksten Siegmund von Wallenrodt and Anna von Schönaich from the Karnitte house.

He received a good education and then went to the Netherlands. There he fought in the Eighty Years' War in 1620 . He was initially a soldier in the troops of Count Wilhelm von Nassau . He was a brave soldier, which was also noticed by the count, who made him the private corporal of his bodyguards. He was a lieutenant in the siege of Herzogenbosch, but was dangerously wounded in the siege of Philippine in Flanders. Between 1620 and 1635 he took part in the sieges of Steenbergen (1623), Breda (1624-1625), Groenlo (1627), 's-Hertogenbosch (1629), Maastricht (1632), Rheinberg (1633), and Philippine (1633) Schenckenschanz (1635–1636) part. In 1636 the elector Georg Wilhelm called to Berlin . There he appointed him major in the infantry regiment under Colonel Melchior von Dargitz . Soon afterwards he was appointed lieutenant colonel and occupied Oderberg with several companies . Then he covered the city of Frankfurt an der Oder . In 1641 he was appointed Landobristen in Prussia as the successor to Otto Wilhelm von Podewils . He died on March 13, 1649. His tombstone is said to be on the north wall of the high choir in Königsberg cathedral. His successor as Landobrist was Christoph Albrecht von Schoenaich .


He was married to Magarethe von der Marwitz , widow of Adam von Redern († 1637) in Wansdorf and Schwante and daughter of Hans von der Marwitz, in command of Küstrin . The couple had a son and four daughters.


  • Anton Balthasar König : Siegmund von Wallenrodt . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military people . tape IV . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1791, p. 428 ( Siegmund von Wallenrodt in the Google book search).
  • Johann Gottfried Biedermann, Gender Register of the Praiseworthy Knights in Voigtlande , p. 259, family tree


  1. ^ Georg Dehio, Ernst Gall, Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler: Deutschordensland Preussen , p. 378
  2. ^ Curt Jany, Documentary contributions and research on the history of the Prussian Army , p. 99, digitized
  3. His parents were Georg von Redern (1551-1611) and his second wife Katharina von Pritzewitz († 1610) according to: Detlev Schwennicke, European family tables: new series. Brandenburg and Prussia , Volume 1, Plate 31
  4. according to König, no descendants are recorded in the family tables