Sigismund Rahmer

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Sigismund Rahmer (born March 10, 1863 in Gliwice , Upper Silesia , † February 14, 1912 in Berlin ) was a German doctor , writer , editor , physiologist and literary historian . He was also an important Heinrich von Kleist researcher.


He was born in Gleiwitz in 1863 and came from a Jewish family. Since 1882 he studied medicine a . a. with Rudolf Virchow in Berlin, in 1886 he moved to the University of Greifswald to take his medical exam there. In 1887 he received his doctorate in pulmonology . He came to Berlin in the early 1890s and then worked as a so-called “ general practitioner ” ( family doctor ) and poor doctor in Berlin- Kreuzberg . Sigismund Rahmer was an advocate of Jewish assimilation .

He was married to Gertrud Rahmer, born Itzig, since 1908. From this marriage came three children, Melanie, Bernd-Anselm and Gerda. After his death in 1917, his wife married the businessman Richard Teppich. She died in 1943 in the Auschwitz concentration camp .

Sigismund Framer's daughter Melanie married the German-born British film actor Gerhard Kempinski . Their son, the British playwright Tom Kempinski , is the grandson of Sigismund Rahmer.

Sigismund Rahmer published scientific articles in various specialist journals. B. on physiology , as well as specialist books. He also published various articles about his studies in newspapers of the time, such as the Vossische Zeitung or the liberal daily Nationalzeitung (for example the Sunday supplement by S. Rahmer on the subject of Heinrich von Kleist, 1904).

His specialty, however, were biographies of famous artists and poets and their pathological and psychological problems. He has written important studies on this and has reinforced research on Heinrich von Kleist with essential impulses. In some of the works he also dealt with sexual pathology. These works were mostly published in paperback .

He was also the administrator of the estate of the well-known Berlin journalist and writer Theophil Zolling (1849–1901), the publisher of the magazine Die Gegenwart . A contact with the well-known German Strindberg translator Emil Schering (1873–1951) about Rahmer has also been proven.

Sigismund Rahmer died in Berlin in 1912 at the age of 48. Nothing is known about the cause of his death.


Sigismund Rahmer is important as a "dilettante researcher or private researcher" in the field of Kleist research. Since his estate has not yet been found, further data on Kleist and Rahmer should be made public if they were discovered. In addition, he should not have been unknown in Berlin itself, since he was working there as a doctor for the poor and even an obituary for him appeared in the Vossische Zeitung.


  • Physiology or the study of the life processes in the human and animal body. 1888, Weisert-Verlag.
  • Heinrich Heine's story of illness and suffering - a critical study. 1901.
  • The Kleist problem based on new research on the characteristics and biography of Heinrich von Kleist. Berlin, Reimer, 1903. - Reprint: Heilbronn: Kleist-Archiv Sembdner 2009. (Heilbronner Kleist-Reprints). ISBN 978-3-940494-26-9
  • My story before I was born. about Johann Gottwerth Müller, Reprint v. 1795, published by Sigismund Rahmer, 1904.
  • From the workshop of the dramatic genius - music and poetry - a psychological - physiological. Study. Munich, Reinhardt, 1906.
  • The Human Body- Physiology, Twelve Lectures. 1906, publishing house XX century.
  • Borderline questions in literature - medicine in individual presentations. Editor, Issues 1 to 8 (complete edition), Reinhardt Verlag, Munich, 1906.
  • August Strindberg- a pathological study. Reinhardt, 1907.
  • Heinrich von Kleist as a person and a poet: according to new source research. Berlin, Reimer, 1909. - Reprint: Heilbronn: Kleist-Archiv Sembdner 2008. (Heilbronner Kleist-Reprints). ISBN 978-3-940494-13-9
  • Nikolaus Lenau as a person and a poet - A contribution to sexual pathology. Berlin, Curtius, 1911.



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