Simon Loeffler

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Simon Loeffler (also: Löffler ; born April 22, 1627 in Leipzig ; † September 4, 1674 ibid) was a German theologian .



Simon Loeffler was married to Anna Catherina Leibnütz , with whom he had the son Friedrich Simon Loeffler , the nephew and heir of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz . The Loefflers belonged genealogically to the Leipzig patrician family Scherl, who came from Nuremberg .


Simon Loeffler studied at the University of Leipzig and at the University of Jena before becoming a licentiate and deacon in Leipzig and archdeacon at the St. Nikolai Church in Leipzig .

Several funeral sermons in particular have come down to us from Loeffler .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Christian Gottlieb Jöcher (Ed.): Loeffler (Simon) (see literature )
  2. a b Compare the information under the GND number of the German National Library
  3. Simon Lic. Theol. LÖFFLER (see section web links )
  4. Christian Gottlieb Jöcher (Ed.): Loeffler (Friedr. Simon) , in: Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon ... (see literature), p. 2439
  5. ^ Compare OH Ernst Reinicke in the book presentation in the series Deutsches Familienarchiv , Vol. 32, Insingen: Degener & Co., 1956, ISBN 3-7686-5149-5
  6. Compare, for example, the sermon for Andreas Maurer in VD17