Hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine are mathematical hyperbolic functions , also called hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine ; they carry the symbols or , in older sources also and . The hyperbolic cosine describes, among other things, the course of a rope suspended at two points. Its graph is therefore also called a catenoid (chain line).


The functions sinh and cosh are the odd or even part of the exponential function ( ).

Hyperbolic sine (red) and hyperbolic cosine (blue) for real x.
Hyperbolic sine
Hyperbolic cosine
Domain of definition
Range of values
strictly monotonously increasing
strictly monotonically decreasing strictly monotonically increasing
Point symmetry to the origin
Axial symmetry to the ordinate
Asymptotic functions
Jump points
Minimum at
Turning points
Special values
with the golden ratio
For the hyperbolic cosine the following applies in particular:

Inverse functions
The hyperbolic sine is bijective on , and therefore has an inverse function , which one area hyperbolic sine calls.

The hyperbolic cosine forms the interval bijectively on the interval and can therefore be inverted to a limited extent. The inverse function of this is called the hyperbolic areakosine

Both inverse functions, hyperbolic area and hyperbolic area, can be calculated with the help of more elementary functions as follows:
The derivative of the hyperbolic sine is the hyperbolic cosine and the derivative of the hyperbolic cosine is the hyperbolic sine:


Relationships (between the two functions and others)

( Euler's identity )

( Hyperbolic equation )
Addition theorems

in particular applies to :

and for :

Molecular formulas

Series developments
The Taylor series of the hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine with the development point is:

Product developments

Multiplication formulas
Be . Then for all complex :

Complex arguments
With applies:

For example, the third and fourth equations follow in the following way:
With applies

By comparison of coefficients it follows:
Solution of a differential equation
The function
solves the differential equation
Chain line
A homogeneous rope that only sags due to its own weight can be described by a hyperbolic cosine function. Such a curve is also called a chain line, chain curve or catenoid .
Lorentz transformation
With the help of the rapidity , the transformation matrix for a special Lorentz transformation (also Lorentz boost ) in the x direction can be represented as follows (for transformations in other directions there are similar matrices):

You can see a great similarity to rotary dies ; So one can easily see the analogy between special Lorentz transformations in four-dimensional space - time and rotations in three-dimensional space.
The hyperbolic sine also occurs in cosmology . The evolution of the scale factor over time in a flat universe containing essentially only matter and dark energy (which is a good model for our actual universe) is described by
in which

is a characteristic timescale. is the current value of the Hubble parameter, the density parameter for dark energy. The derivation of this result can be found in the Friedmann equations . In the case of the time dependence of the density parameter of matter, on the other hand, the hyperbolic cosine occurs:

See also
Web links
Individual evidence
↑ Dr. Franz Brzoska, Walter Bartsch: Mathematical formula collection . 2nd improved edition. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1956.