Smaranda Oțeanu-Bunea

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Smaranda Oțeanu-Bunea (born December 12, 1941 in Râmnicu Sărat ) is a Romanian composer and music critic.

Oțeanu-Bunea studied with Alfred Mendelsohn , Mihail Jora (composition), Marțian Negrea and Ion Dumitrescu (harmony), Nicolae Buicliu (counterpoint) and Aurel Stroe (orchestration). In the USA she specialized in cultural management .

Between 1966 and 1995 she published music reviews in Bucharest newspapers such as Scânteia and Adevărul and the Agenția Rompres . She participated in radio and television broadcasts and gave lectures on Romanian music at American universities.

In 1979 she founded the Colegiul Criticilor Muzicali . She organized music festivals such as Tineri Dirijori , the Enescu-Orfeul Moldav and Tinere Talente . In 1990 she became the founding director of Melos, Minison, Monopol magazine . In the same year she founded the Fundația Jora (later Uniunea Criticilor Muzicali ). From 1995 to 1998 she was artistic director of the Opera Națională Bucureşti . Works such as Pascal Bentoius Hamlet , Paul Constantinescus O noapte furtunoasă and Adrian Iorgulescus Revoluția were performed under her direction .

In 1998 Oțeanu-Bunea founded the Komische Kinderoper ( Opera Comica pentru Copii ), a project that is unique far beyond the borders of Romania. Here she performed works such as The Theater Director by Mozart , La serva padrona by Pergolesi , Pimpinone by Telemann , Bastien and Bastienne by Mozart, The Telephone by Menotti , The Kapellmeister by Cimarosa , the Coffee Cantata by Bach , Un pedagog de școală nouă by Anatol Vieru , and Il signor Bruschino by Rossini . From 2000 to 2002 she directed the Opera Națională Română Bucureşti again, after which she worked again for the now institutionalized children's opera. This has received several awards, including several national prizes, a special diploma in Croatia in 2004 and an excellence award in 2006 in Israel.


  • 2 songs on verses by George Coșbuc for voice and piano, 1954
  • 7 songs based on verses by Federico García Lorca for mezzo-soprano and piano, 1960
  • Capriciu for piano, 1961
  • Songs based on texts by George Topîrceanu , Mihai Beniuc , Ion Bănuță , George Coșbuc, 1962
  • Ave Maria for baritone and piano after verses by Victoria Dragu , 1962
  • Mozaic for viola and clarinet, 1962
  • Nonet for wind quintet and string quartet, 1962
  • Variațiuni pentru pian pe o temă de Bartok , 1963
  • Cântece de dragoste based on verses by Bertolt Brecht , 1963
  • Suită în stil clasic for orchestra, 1963
  • Bergen Belsen , recitative for voice and chamber ensemble based on verses by Victoria Dragu , 1963
  • Film music for Căutări , 1963
  • Fuga canonică în epidiapente for chamber ensemble, 1964
  • Poem-sonata for piano, 1964
  • Veghe de lună , 1964
  • 3 madrigals after verses by Ion Vinea , Lucian Blaga and St. O. Iosif for mixed choir, 1964
  • Mișcare simfonică , 1966
  • Corale , poem for voice and symphonic ensemble based on Verwsen by Zaharia Stancu , 1967
  • Madrigal for mixed choir, 1969
  • Music for the documentary Ani , 1974
  • Cugetări engleze , song cycle, 1981
  • 5 întâmplări din grădina mea , song cycle based on verses by Ana Blandiana , 1982
  • Trei fabule fără animale , songs for tenor and piano after Nicolae Dragoș , 1983
  • Cugetări persane , 1986
  • Cugetări latine , 1987
  • Cugetări strâmbe , 1993

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