Ana Blandiana

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Ana Blandiana (2019)

Ana Blandiana , real name Otilia Valeria Coman (born March 25, 1942 in Timișoara , Romania ) is a Romanian poet .

Until the Romanian revolution of 1989 she was a dissident and civil rights activist . In interviews with Radio Free Europe and in publications published outside Romania, she exposed the grievances under Nicolae Ceaușescu in socialist Romania . Ana Blandiana is a founding member of the Civil Alliance (Alianța Civica) and heads the Sighet Memorial (Memorialul de la Sighet) , an institute dedicated to coming to terms with Romania's communist past.


Otilia Coman was born as the daughter of the Orthodox priest Gheorghe Coman in Timișoara. In 1944 the parents moved to Oradea , where the father worked as a priest at the Orthodox cathedral Biserica cu Lună . After the Communists came to power, the father was arrested as an 'enemy of the people'. Shortly after his release, he was killed in a traffic accident in 1964.

In Oradea Otilia Coman attended elementary school (1949–1952) and high school (1952–1959). As the child of an 'enemy of the people', she was initially denied studies at the university in Cluj-Napoca .

In 1959 she made her debut in the Klausenburger magazine Tribuna ( German  tribune ) with the poem Originalitate ( German  originality ), where she signed for the first time with the pseudonym Ana Blandiana (after Blandiana , the birthplace of her mother). In the poem, in the midst of the terror of the Stalinist Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej era, she criticized the regime between the lines and was banned from writing for four years. From 1963 to 1967 she studied philology at the University of Cluj-Napoca.

In 1964 Blandiana's first book Persoana întâia plural ( German  first person plural ) appeared, in 1966 Călcâiul vulnerabil ( German  Achilles heel ). 1968–1974 she worked as an editor for the magazines Viața Studențească ( German  student life ) and Amfiteatru ( German  amphitheater ) and 1975–1977 as a librarian at the Institute for Fine Arts in Bucharest . After the publication of the poem Motanul Arpagic ( German  Katerzwiebel ), an only slightly veiled criticism of dictator Ceaușescu , she was placed under house arrest and was banned from publication.

In December 1989 she was a member of the Council of the Front for National Salvation ( Romanian Frontul Salvării Naționale , FSN), but resigned in January 1990 because she felt manipulated by the neocommunists.

Ana Blandiana is a founding member of the Citizens' Alliance and initiator of the Romanian PEN Club , which she chairs. Together with her husband Romulus Rusan , she founded the memorial for coming to terms with the communist past Sighet ( Memorialul victimelor comunismului și al rezistenței de la Sighet ), a research, exhibition, museum and conference center in the northern Romanian city of Sighetu Marmației with the target that To uncover crimes of communism in the country, to record them scientifically and to make the results publicly available.

Blandiana's works have been translated into numerous languages ​​and have appeared in the following countries: Germany, France, Italy, USA, Norway, Sweden, Albania, Great Britain, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Serbia and Bulgaria.

She held numerous readings, symposia and lectures abroad: in Germany, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria and lectured at numerous universities, including in Rome , Berlin , Paris , Vienna , Prague , Heidelberg , Tübingen , Hamburg and Cologne .


Single title in German

  • Copy of a nightmare . Stories. People and World Spectrum , Berlin 1988; Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 1997; Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • The applause machine. Novel. Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 1993 and 1999; Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt 1997.
  • Angel harvest . Poems. Translated into German by Franz Hodjak . Ammann Verlag, Zurich 1994.
  • Star autumn. Poems. From the Romanian by Christian W. Schenk . Dionysos Verlag, Berlin 2002.
  • The auction of ideas. Poems. From the Romanian by Hans Bergel. Johannis Reeg Verlag, Bamberg 2009.
  • Clocks on rails. Poems. Selection and adaptation from Romanian by Franz Hodjak. Landpresse, Weilerswist 2010.
  • In a Spanish hostel. Essays. Edited by Katharina Kilzer. Edition Noack & Block, Berlin 2012.
  • The four Seasons. Stories. Edition Noack & Block, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-86813-027-0 .
  • Why poets in needy time? Speeches and essays. Edited by Helmut Müller-Enbergs . Edition Noack & Block, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3868130591 .
  • Closed churches . Bilingual edition. Translated into German by Horst Samson et al. Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-86356-185-7 .
  • Rosaries . Romanian contemporary poetry series 2020, 444 pages, Dionysos Boppard 2020, translator: Christian W. Schenk , ISBN 979-8649287029 .


  • Persoana întâia plural (first person plural), 1964.
  • Călcâiul vulnerable (Achilles heel), 1966.
  • A treia taină (Third Sacrament), 1969.
  • 50 de poeme (50 poems), 1970.
  • Octombrie, Noiembrie, Decembrie (October, November, December), 1972.
  • Poeme (poems), 1974.
  • Somnul din somn (Sleep in Sleep), 1977.
  • Întâmplări din grădina mea (Stories from my garden), 1980.
  • Ochiul de greier (The Cricket Eye ), 1981.
  • Ora de nisip (hour of sand), 1984.
  • Stea de pradă ( Star Autumn ), 1986.
  • Alte intâmplări din grădina mea (More stories from my garden), 1987.
  • Întâmplări de pe strada mea (Stories from my street), 1988.
  • Poezii (poems), 1988.
  • Arhitectura valurilor (The Architecture of Waves), 1990.
  • 100 de poeme (One Hundred Poems), 1991.
  • În dimineața de după moarte (The morning after death), 1996.
  • La cules îngeri (Angel Harvest), 1997, 2003, 2004.
  • Cartea albă a lui Arpagic (The White Book of the Arpagic Cat), 1998.
  • Balanța cu un singur talger (The one-armed scale), 1998.
  • Soarele de apoi (The Sun in the Hereafter), 2000.
  • Refluxul sensurilor (change of heart ), 2004.


  • Calitatea de martor (The Witness), 1970, 2003.
  • Eu scriu, tu scrii, el / ea scrie (I write, you write, he / she writes), 1975.
  • Cea mai frumoasă dintre lumile posibile (The most beautiful of all worlds), 1978.
  • Coridoare de oglinzi (Mirror Walkways ), 1983.
  • Autoportret cu palimpsest (Autoportrait), 1985.
  • Oraşe de si labe (Syllable Cities ), 1987.
  • Geniul de a fi (The genius of being), 1998.
  • Ghicitul in mulțimi ( Guessing in the Crowd), 2000.
  • Cine sunt eu? (Who am I?) 2001.


  • Cele patru anotimpuri (The Four Seasons), 1977, 2001 - short stories.
  • Proiecte de trecut (Past Projects), 1982 - Stories.
  • Sertarul cu aplauze (The Applause Machine), 1992, 1998, 2002, 2004 - novel.
  • Imitație de coșmar (copy of a nightmare), 1995 - short stories.

Translation into other languages

  • Homokora - Kriterion Konyvkiado, București, 1971 (Hungarian).
  • Pieta achillesowa i inne wiersze , Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków - Wrocław, 1982 (Polish).
  • Valaki engem almodik, Kriterion Konyvkiado , Bucureşti, 1985 (Hungarian).
  • San v sania , Narodna Cultura, Sofia, 1986 (Bulgarian).
  • L'ora di sabbia , Edizioni Saval, Bologna, 1987 (Italian).
  • Stihotvorenia, rasscazi, esse , Radouga, Moskva, 1987 (Russian).
  • The Hour of Sand , Anvil Press Poetry, London, 1989, 1990 (English).
  • Mineviku - Plaanid , LR, Tallinn, 1989 (Estonian).
  • Sniega Stunda , Liesna, Riga, 1989 (Lithuanian).
  • En kyrka full av fjarilar , Symposion Bokforlag, Stockholm, 1990 (Swedish).
  • Kanskje noen drømmer meg , Solum Forlag, Oslo, 1990 (Norwegian).
  • Copy of a nightmare , Steidl Verlag, Bokforlaget Hypatia, Stockholm, 1992 (Swedish).
  • L'eglise fantome , Syros-Alternatives, Paris, 1992 (French).
  • Copy of van een nachtmerrie , Amsterdam, 1992 (Dutch).
  • Svedotzi , Biblioteka Kov, Vrsatz, 1993 (Serbian).
  • Poezi , Shtepia Botuese Enciklopedike, Tirana, 1993 (Albanian).
  • Presentation / Foreword / Prezentare , editie trilingva, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service / Office Allemand d'échanges universitaires), Paris, 1993 (German, French, Romanian).
  • Clair de mort , Librairie Bleue, Troyes, 1994 (French).
  • Kopi av et mareritt , Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo, 1995 (Norwegian).
  • L'architecture des vagues , les Ateliers du Tayrac, 1995 (French).
  • Ofullbordad helvet , Forlags ab Gondolin, 1997 (Swedish).
  • Szelet Allat , Pont, Budapest, 1998 (Hungarian).
  • Poems , Go-Bos Press, 1998 (Dutch).
  • Cekmedjeto s aplodismenti , DAR, Sofia, 1999 (Bulgarian).
  • Potreba za priciom, Arka, Smederevo, 2000 (Serbian).
  • Isbrane pesmi , Cankarjeva zalozba, Ljubljana, 2003 (Slovenian).
  • Potreba za razgovor , Arka, Smederevo - Id. Skoplje, 2004 (Macedonian).
  • Ana Blandiana , Sower, Bejing, 2004 (Chinese).
  • Arhanghel vo saghi , Editia Plejadi, Struga, 2004 (Macedonian).
  • Un tempo gli alberi avevano occhi , Donzelli Editore, Roma, 2004 (Italian).
  • Projectos de passado , Editura Cavallo de Ferro, Lisabona, 2005 (Portuguese).
  • La meva pàtria A4 , trad. Corina Oproae, Cafè Central-Eumo, Vic, 2005 (Catalan).
  • Closed churches - Biserici închise , Gedichte, Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-86356-185-7 (German)

Electronic books

  • Coridoare de oglinzi (mirror corridors ), Editura LiterNet, 2003.
  • La cules îngeri (EngelErnte), vol I, Editura LiterNet, 2003.
  • La cules îngeri (Angel Harvest), vol II, Editura LiterNet, 2003.
  • Autoportret cu palimpsest (Autoportrait), Editura LiterNet, 2004.
  • Calitatea de martor (The Witness), Editura LiterNet, 2004.
  • Fragmentarium (in Romanian and French), Editura LiterNet, 2005.
  • Sternenherbst (Romanian-German), Dionysos, Germany - bilingual - Kindle Edition, ( Amazon ), 2011, translator Christian W. Schenk .


  • Founding member of the Civil Alliance, which she chaired from 1991 to 2001
  • Founding member of the Civic Academy Foundation (Fundatia Academia Civică), of which she is the chairman
  • President of the Romanian PEN Club
  • Chair of the Honorary Commission of the Romanian Writers' Union (Uniunii Scriitorilor din România)
  • Member of the Académie de Poezie Mallarmé , Paris
  • Founding member of the Académie Mondiale de Poezie , which was founded in 2001 in Verona under the auspices of UNESCO .
  • 2001 member of the Senate of the Civil Alliance


Literary prizes

  • 1969 - Poetry Prize of the Romanian Writers' Union (Premiul pentru poezie al Uniunii Scriitorilor din România)
  • 1970 - Poetry Prize of the Romanian Academy (Premiul pentru poezie al Academiei Române)
  • 1980 - Prose Prize of the Bucharest Writers' Association (Premiul pentru proză al Asociației Scriitorilor din București)
  • 1982 - Herder Prize , Vienna
  • 1994 - Prize for her life's work, Opera omnia
  • 1997 - National Poetry Prize (Premiul Național de Poezie)
  • 2019 - Struga Golden Wreath



  • Aurel Martin: Poeți contemporani , Editura pentru Literatură, 1967, Bucureşti.
  • Marian Popa: Dicționar de literatură română contemporană , Bucureşti, Editura Albatros, 1977.
  • Al. Piru: Istoria literaturii române de la început până azi , Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1981.

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