Soy Nikolaevna Tolbusina

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Soy Nikolaevna Tolbusina ( Russian Зоя Николаевна Тольбузина , born Semnuchowa Russian Земнухова * 12. August 1922 in Dmitrijewsk , Ukrainian SSR ; † 15. May 2017 in Moscow ) was a Soviet and Russian theater - and film - actress , voice actress and singer .

Life and accomplishments

Soja Semnuchowa was born in eastern Ukraine as the daughter of the tailor Nikolai Ilyich Semnuchow (1895-1943) and his wife Natalja Ivanovna (* 1896). In 1928 the family moved to Tbilisi and in 1936 to the vicinity of Krasnodar . Based on the singer Alexander Stepanowitsch Pirogow, the young Soja decided to pursue an artistic career, moved to Rostov-on-Don , where she first graduated from secondary school in 1940. She then attended the drama school affiliated with the Lenfilmstudio , where Sergei Gerasimov taught at the time . After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War , Semnukhova initially did voluntary service in Leningrad , but was demobilized in 1942 and then enrolled at the Gerasimov Institute for Cinematography . She experienced the end of the war as an evacuee in Alma-Ata . In 1946, the budding actress returned to Moscow and joined the State Theater of Film Actors there, but left it in 1954 as a result of her engagement with the Gorky Studio. Here she worked until May 1992. In addition, Soja attended a music school in Moscow until 1955 and then appeared as a singer.

Her film career began in 1938 with the short film Паровоз без тормоза , which was only followed by extra roles in the 1940s and early 1950s. It was only with her engagement in the drama Повесть об агрономе (1955) that she was mentioned again in the credits . Tolbusina, who acted exclusively as a supporting actress , served different genres over the years, e.g. B. the melodrama ( Смертный враг - 1971), the musical comedy ( Карнавал - 1981) and the political thriller ( Сочинение ко Дню Победы - 1998). She was also seen in three fairy tale films by Alexander Rous : as a wedding guest in fire, water and trumpets , companion of the tsarina in The Beautiful Varvara and the forest spirit in The Deer with the Golden Antlers . From the early 1950s onwards, Tolbusina also worked as a voice actress for 20 years, including lending her voice to Andréa Parisy in Drei Bruchpiloten in Paris and Eva Pflug in The Answer Only the Wind knows her voice. In total, she worked on 117 projects, most recently in 2012 in two episodes of the detective series Без срока давности .

Tolbusina died around three months before her 95th birthday and was buried in the Wagankowoer cemetery .

She had been the bearer of the Order of the Great Patriotic War since 1987 .


Semnuchowa married Arkady Chubarov in 1944, and four years later she married the actor Arkady Nikolayevich Tolbusin (1920–1972) for the second time. The couple separated again in 1958. She left behind her daughter Olga Bywschewa (born January 21, 1945), a granddaughter and her great-granddaughter Darija Golubzowa (born June 7, 1996).

Filmography (selection)


Voice actress

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Biography Soja Tolbusinas on (Russian), accessed on January 1, 2020
  2. a b Biography of Soja Tolbusinas on (Russian), accessed on January 1, 2020
  3. Soja Tolbusina's filmography on (Russian), accessed on January 1, 2020
  4. Arkady Tolbusin's biography on (Russian), accessed on January 1, 2020