Sophie Haemmerli-Marti

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Sophie Hämmerli-Marti around 1924
Gaggaggah and Güggerüggüh . Pictures by Suska (= Anny Engelmann ) (1928)

Sophie Haemmerli-Marti (born February 18, 1868 in Othmarsingen , † April 19, 1942 in Zurich ) was a Swiss dialect writer .


Her father Franz Marti was a councilor and farmer, her mother Sophie geb. Rüegger came from Lucerne. From 1883 to 1887 she attended the Aarau teacher training college .

She was friends with Erika and Frank Wedekind in Lenzburg . She worked as a private tutor in Paris, in 1887 as a teacher in Thalheim and in 1888 in Oetlikon . In 1890 she married Max Haemmerli, a doctor from Lenzburg, with whom she raised four daughters. When her husband died in a car accident in 1931, she moved to live with one of her daughters in Zurich, where she died eleven years later.

Spurred on by Jost Winteler , Sophie Haemmerli first published children's and mother poems (Mis Chindli), many of which were set to music and found their way into the Volksgut , later lectures (Mis Aargäu) and philosophical poems (Läbessprüch) in Swiss German . She is considered one of the most important Swiss dialect writers. In 1939 she received a prize from the Swiss Schiller Foundation for Mis Aargäu .


On the occasion of her 150th birthday in February 2018, a number of anniversary events were held in the canton of Aargau, including a. in the Museum Burghalde Lenzburg .

Works (selection)

  • Mis Chindli. A wreath of songs for young mothers. Henckell, Zurich 1896
  • Grandfather song . Francke, Bern 1913
  • Wienechtsbuech . Francke, Bern 1913
  • In the Bluest . Poems. Francke, Bern 1914
  • Is land of strength . Verses. Schwabe, Basel 1927
  • Gaggaggah and Güggerüggüh . Animal verses. Schwabe, Basel 1928
  • Allerseele . Poems. Orell Füssli, Zurich 1928
  • Mis Aargäu. Land and Lütusminer Läbensgschicht . Sauerlander, Aarau 1939
  • Läbessprüch . Poems. Sauerlander, Aarau 1939
  • Rägeboge . Poems. Sauerländer, Aarau 1941
  • Z Välte about wet nurse Hus . Nursery rhymes. Sauerländer, Aarau 1942
  • Passion saying . Poems. Sauerländer, Aarau 1943
  • Collected Works . Edited by Carl Günther. Sauerländer, Aarau 1947–52
  • Osterzyt. Poem and Gschichtli . Schwyzerlüt, Fryburg 1953
  • Chindeliedli . Sauerländer, Aarau 1986, ISBN 3-7941-2790-0
  • Ebigs For . Selected works with biography in words and pictures. Edited by Claudia Storz u. a. Baden 2003, ISBN 3-85545-867-7


Web links

Commons : Sophie Haemmerli-Marti  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Janine Gloor: Sophie Haemmerli-Marti: Our poet and thinker ,; accessed on February 11, 2019
  2. ^ Fritz Thut: One year against forgetting by the dialect poet Sophie Hämmerli-Marti. In: Lenzburger Bezirks-Anzeiger from September 12, 2017 ( online ); accessed on February 11, 2019.