Sprengel Stade

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The Sprengel Stade is one of six not independent sub-districts of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover . The administrative seat is the state superintendent in Stade .

Geographical location

The Sprengel Stade is located in the north of Lower Saxony and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover . It encompasses the Elbe-Weser triangle and borders:


With 520,000 parishioners, the Stade district is the second largest of the Hanover regional church. Since January 1, 2013, the Sprengel has nine church districts:

These are divided into a total of 193 parishes . (As of April 2016,)

History and present

On January 1, 2013, the previous church districts of Cuxhaven and Land Hadeln were merged to form the church district of Cuxhaven-Hadeln and the church districts of Wesermünde-North and Wesermünde-South to form the church district of Wesermünde.

State superintendent

State superintendent in Teichstrasse, Stade

Teichstrasse 39, acquired in 1950 by the Stade mineral oil works, serves as the headquarters of the state superintendent.

Management of the Sprengels

The clerical direction of the Sprengels Stade is incumbent on the incumbent of the Stader Landessuperintendentur. From here, episcopal tasks such as ordination of clergy, visitations of parishes and consecrations of sacred buildings are carried out and activities that are delegated by the bishop's office in Hanover for reasons of distance alone. In addition, he is the pastor of all church employees. His office also includes visiting the church districts and institutions of the Diakonie des Sprengels. The state superintendent belongs to the bishops' council of the regional church.

State superintendent

Ephoric Convention

The leading clergy of the nine church districts, the superintendents , form the Ephorenkonvent des Sprengels. One of the office holders is the deputy of the state superintendent.

Explosion services, facilities

Members of the regional synod

The members are also sent from the district to the highest parliamentary body of the regional church, the regional synod .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. Handicapped work in the Rotenburger / W. Works
  3. Website of the Ev. Bad Bederkesa Education Center
  4. ^ Elbe Weser telephone pastoral care