St-Etienne (Fécamp)

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St. Stephen's Church of St-Étienne de Fécamp (south side)

The Catholic St. Stephen's Church of St-Étienne de Fécamp was built in the 16th century and is located in the coastal town of Fécamp in the Seine-Maritime department in Normandy . Since 1921 the building has been inscribed on the French list of monuments as a monument historique .


History board

The parish of St-Etienne is the first time in 1006 in a document of Norman Duke Richard II. , The good , mentioned. Built on a slight hill in an exposed location by the harbor, the church was a central focal point for the maritime population of Fécamp. At the beginning of the 16th century, Antoine Bohier , the abbot of the Benedictine monastery La Trinité in Fécamp, decided to demolish the medieval church due to the limited space and to replace it with a larger building on the same site. In 1506 the new construction work began, but was not completed due to Bohier's departure and lack of money; the very large, planned nave was never built in this form. During the Renaissance style , only the choir , transept and south portal were completed. A fire in 1563 caused severe damage to the building and the Renaissance tower had to be demolished; it was initially replaced by a simple bell tower. In 1884, the architect Camille Albert took over the reconstruction of the crossing tower in its current form. The church building as a whole today shows stylistic elements from the late Gothic , early Renaissance and 19th century neo-Gothic styles .


View of the organ

The organ was built in 1877 by the organ builder Hubert Krischer (Rouen) and restored and enlarged in 1926 by Georges Krischer (Rouen). The slider chests -instrument has 23 registers on two manuals and pedal . The tongues of the main work and the pedal can be activated and deactivated by means of two kicks. The playing and stop actions are mechanical.

I Grand Orgue C-g 3
Bourdon 16 ′
Bourdon 8th'
Montre 8th'
Salicional 8th'
Flood 8th'
Prestant 4 ′
Coublette 2 ′
Fifth 2 23
Trumpets 8th'
Clairon 4 ′
II Récit expressif C – g 3
Flute harmonique 8th'
Bourdon 8th'
Viol 8th'
Voix céleste 8th'
Flute octaviante 4 ′
Trumpets 8th'
Basson-hautbois 8th'
Voix humaine 8th'
Pedal C – f 1
Flood 16 ′
Bourdon 8th'
Flood 4 ′
Bombard 16 ′
Trumpets 8th'



  • Daniel Banse: L'Eglise Saint-Etienne de Fécamp. Fécamp, Imprimerie Banse, 1922 (French)

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organ (French)

Web links

Commons : St-Étienne (Fécamp)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 45 ′ 29.6 "  N , 0 ° 22 ′ 34.7"  E