St. Andreas Church (Cloppenburg)

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St. Andrew

The Catholic St. Andreas Church in the city of Cloppenburg is a baroque hall building built in 1728. It offers space for 580 people and is the parish church of the parish of the same name, which has also included the churches of St. Josef, St. Augustinus and St. Bernhard since 2010, in the deanery of Cloppenburg ( Oldenburg official district in the Münster diocese ).


middle Ages

High altar of St. Andrew's Church in Cloppenburg

The church is one of the oldest in the Oldenburger Münsterland . Its beginnings can be traced back to the 9th century. It is located in the oldest district of Cloppenburg, Krapendorf . A church in Krapendorf was mentioned in a document as early as 819. However, this document from Louis the Pious dated September 1, 819 is now regarded as a total forgery from the late 10th century. A simple half-timbered church is assumed to be the origin . The Krapendorf parish was founded by the mission cell in Visbek . After Charlemagne (* probably April 2, 747 or 748; † January 28, 814 in Aachen) from 780 AD onwards nine mission districts for the Christianization of the subject Saxons were established, Abbot Gerbert Castus from the Visbek mission cell - the apostle of the Oldenburger Münsterland - the first parishes in the area founded. One of these was the Krapendorf parish church in Lerigau . On October 20, 855, Krapendorf and Visbek came to the Corvey Monastery .

Together with the surrounding farmers, Krapendorf formed the parish of St. Andreas.

Modern times

The church as seen by Matthäus Merian 1647

The parish of St. Andreas has belonged to the diocese of Münster since 1666.

The view of Cloppenburg in the copper engraving by Matthäus Merian from 1647 shows the medieval St. Andrew's Church, built between 1425 and 1427. The tower substructure made of granite blocks and a grave slab on the northwest side of the tower have been preserved.

St. Andrew's Church was given its current form from 1724 to 1729 by the architect Lambert Friedrich von Corfey . Based on the model of the Roman church Il Gesù and the St. Michael's Church in Munich, the church was built as a wall pillar church in the form of a plastered brick building with sections made of sandstone. In 1788/89 the tower was placed on top of the boulder masonry of the medieval church as a brick structure. The church was consecrated and consecrated in 1764.

On December 25, 1932, Ernst Henn celebrated his first ceremony in the church. Royal Air Force bombing raids on April 12, 1945 during World War II collapsed the roof and vaults. Both were redesigned based on the historical model.

Building description

The interior of the church has a single nave and is closed at the top by a cross vault with five bays . The interior design was done by the wood sculptor and court sculptor Johann Heinrich König from Münster and completed in 1766. The Königs workshop created the high altar and the two side altars, the communion bench and the pulpit , the baptism and the organ prospect . The altar wall is the largest of its kind in the region. Other baroque sculptures enrich the interior of the church.


  • St. Andreas Church , website of the Catholic parish St. Andreas Cloppenburg, accessed on July 17, 2013


  • Helmut Ottenjann: On the building and art history of the parish church St. Andreas in Cloppenburg. In: Stadt Cloppenburg (ed.): Contributions to the history of the city of Cloppenburg , Vol. 2, Cloppenburg 1988.
  • Walter Kloppenburg: Colonel Friedrich Lambert von Corfey (1668–1733), the architect of the St. Andreas Church in Cloppenburg . In: Walter Kloppenburg: Between Hare and Hunte. Essays on the history of the Oldenburger Münsterland . Cloppenburg 1994.
  • Reinhard Karrenbrock : The late medieval altarpiece of St. Andrew's Church in Cloppenburg . In: Yearbook for the Oldenburger Münsterland 1998 .
  • Helmut Ottenjann: An angel and a saint, a chalice and an organ brochure . In: Yearbook for the Oldenburger Münsterland 2001 .
  • Heinrich Havermann: On the construction of the St. Andreas Church in Cloppenburg . In: Yearbook for the Oldenburger Münsterland 2006 .

Web links

Commons : St. Andreas (Cloppenburg)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Eberhard Michael Iba, 1981: The Green Coastal Road from Emden to Westerland: a travel guide with fairy tales, legends and stories. Verlag E. Michael Iba, ISBN 3791706950 , ISBN 9783791706955
  2. St. Andreas, Cloppenburg , parish profile on the website of the official district, accessed on July 18, 2013.
  3. St. Andreas Church , website of the Catholic Church Community of St. Andreas Cloppenburg, accessed on July 17, 2013
  4. Kölzer, Theo: The documents of Ludwig the Pious for Halberstadt (BM2 535) and Visbek (BM2 702) - a serious misunderstanding , in: Archiv für Diplomatik 58 (2012) pp. 103–123 (here: pp. 119–121) .
  5. Michael Bönte: Abbot Gerbert Castus - A missionary from the second row. Church site ((former) online newspaper of the Münster diocese). October 29, 2004 ( Memento of May 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved from the web archive on October 3, 2017.
  6. ^ Oldenburg official district . Retrieved October 11, 2013.

Coordinates: 52 ° 50 ′ 33.9 ″  N , 8 ° 2 ′ 10 ″  E