St. George's Church (Ehrenstetten)

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Exterior of the church
Interior view of the church with a view of the altar

The Catholic St. George's Church in Ehrenstetten , a district of the Ehrenkirchen municipality , Baden-Württemberg , is in the center of the village. It belongs to the pastoral care unit / Catholic parish Batzenberg – Obere Möhlin.


There is evidence of a church building in the diocese of Basel since 1350 . However, the community was so small that it did not have its own pastor, but rather belonged to the Kirchhofen parish. The church of Kirchhofen was not far away and the way was not difficult. In spite of this, the community had applied for the establishment of its own parish in 1841, and in 1842 it had acted so massively that it had submitted a corresponding application to the 2nd Chamber of the Estates . It is not known whether this was based on sheer convenience or whether Ehrenstetten, as a more populous municipality, simply assumed that it had a corresponding claim. A new application in 1903 was also rejected, but the congregation was shown a difficult path that led to the establishment of its own congregation in 1909.

In terms of canon law, however, she was completely dependent on the parish in Kirchhofen; her pastor was a so-called curate . Vigorous and intensive negotiations between the Catholic Foundation Council of Ehrenstetten and the Archbishop's Ordinariate in Freiburg failed in 1922 - with the result that an independent parish was not established until 1962, with the curate Karl Boll as the first parish priest. In 1972 it was merged with the parish of St. Ulrich and in 1975 with that of Bollschweil .


View into the old church consecrated to St. Fridolin

The new church was built in the neo-Gothic style according to plans by the Archbishop's Building Office in Freiburg im Breisgau under Raimund Jeblinger . The architect or technician Luger was responsible for drawing up the plans, calculating costs and supervising the building. A site foreman was not appointed because the "local site management" was considered sufficient. This formulation in the building files meant Vincenzo Merazzi (* December 18, 1874 in Cagno (Lombardy) , † April 2, 1926 in Ehrenstetten), who, as with other construction projects he oversaw, had settled on site with his family . Since he emigrated to Germany in 1900, he was employed by the construction company Leopold Grab in Oberrotweil .

The political community donated the building site to the new parish. After the "Schopp'schen estate" was demolished, the foundation stone was laid on May 29, 1911. The new church joins at right angles to the original church, which was not demolished, but forms the chancel with one half, while the other half was until 2012 Sacristy was still used. The consecration on October 13, 1912 was carried out by the Archbishop of Freiburg , Thomas Nörber . Relics of Saints Valentius and Vitus as well as another unnamed martyr were placed in the high altar .

On the occasion of the church consecration, Vincenzo Merazzi was honored for his reliable and successful work with the title of “Archbishop's Master Builder”. On the advice of the mayor, he stayed in Ehrenstetten, where he started his own construction business. Probably because of his position of trust in the community, although he was Italian, he was not interned when the First World War broke out. When he died at the age of 52, he left his eldest son Antonio (* 1902) a prestigious construction business.

In 2012 the sacristy was consecrated to St. Fridolin and is now available as a prayer room. At the intersection of the two church buildings is the church tower, which already belonged to the old church. As part of the new building, it was increased by a third with a new bell-room floor. Following the Schopp'sche property, another building was demolished in 1925 because the rectory was to be built there. Since that was not realized, the parking lot is located there today next to the church.

The last major renovation of the church took place around the year 2000. In addition to the installation of new heating and lighting, the chancel was redesigned.

The church choir “St. Georg Ehrenstetten ", which was also founded in 1912 and celebrated its centenary in 2012., Accessed on August 16, 2019


On August 4, 1912, four bells were consecrated which had been cast in red bronze by the Grüninger bell foundry . Only the smallest, the Barbara bell, escaped the fate of being melted down in 1942 during the Second World War . The other three were again cast again in 1949 by the Grüninger bell foundry, albeit with a different weight, but the name, tone and motto were retained.

Surname Weight Casting year foundry Motto
Sacred Heart of Jesus 800 kg 1949 Grüninger bell foundry Like Jesus once I call out to you: Seek peace and quiet! In every need, in every pain, come to Jesus' heart!
St. George 600 kg 1949 Grüninger bell foundry I am called St. George, well known to you as patron. Now I call out to the town as a bell: Don't forget Mess and God's Word!
St. Mary 400 kg 1949 Grüninger bell foundry To the Ave Maria I call, that's why my name is Sankta Maria, I praise the Mother of God and I implore her protection.
St. Barbara ? 1912 Grüninger bell foundry My name is St. Barbara, I weep the dead and call to them: Have eternal rest!

The interior

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Schmider, page 98
  2. Schmider, page 99 ff.
  3. Michael Saurer: But there were never twelve stanzas , Badische Zeitung, October 20, 2011 online , accessed on August 17, 2019
  4. Parish registration document of December 19, 1961, in: Boll, page 13
  5. Renate Liessem-Breinlinger: Merazzi, Vincenzo , Badische Biographien New Volume 5, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-17-018976-X , page 206 f. Text online
  6. Renate Liessem-Breinlinger, as above
  7. ^ Anne Freyer: Stand up against the neighboring church , Badische Zeitung, December 2, 2011 online , accessed on August 17, 2019
  8. ^ Anne Freyer: Vom Keller bis zum Glockenturm , Badische Zeitung, October 18, 2011 online , accessed on August 17, 2019. In the chronicle of the nurses' station, in: Boll, page 50, August 6, 1911 is mentioned
  9. Hans Jürgen Kugler: New Tree in Front of the Church , Badische Zeitung, October 16, 2012 online , accessed on August 16, 2019
  10. ^ Schmider, page 99
  11. Renate Liessem-Breinlinger, as above
  12. Anne-Kristin Freyer: Sacristy becomes a church service room , Badische Zeitung, March 13, 2012, online , accessed on August 17, 2019
  13. ^ Anne Freyer: Stand up against the neighboring church , as before
  14. Karl Ruf: The history of the Ehrenstetter church choir since its foundation in 1911 , in: Boll, page 61 ff.
  15. Anne-Kristin Freyer: The choir is returning to its classical roots , Badische Zeitung, October 27, 2012 online
  16. ^ Chronicle of the nurses' station, in: Boll, page 51
  17. Anne Freyer: BELLS SOUND: New bells have old names , Badische Zeitung, 23 December 2009 online , accessed on 17 August 2019


Web links

Commons : St. Georgskirche (Ehrenstetten)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Homepage of the Ehrenstetten district in the Ehrenkirchen community
  • Homepage of the parish of Ehrenstetten in the pastoral care unit / Catholic parish of Batzenberg ̶ Obere Möhlin

Coordinates: 47 ° 54 ′ 55 "  N , 7 ° 45 ′ 12.4"  E