Statue of St. John of Nepomuk in Divina

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The renovation project of the cultural monument statue of St. Johannes von Nepomuk in Divina was realized under the auspices of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Slovakia . Further supporters were Norodom Sihamoni , King of Cambodia , and Simeon II , the last Bulgarian tsar , who chaired the Bulgarian government in 2001-2005 . The donors of the project were, besides the Diocese of Žilina , Franz, Duke of Bavaria , the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem ( Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani ), the Order of the Knights of the Cross with the red star - the only order of Czech origin ( Ordo militaris Crucigerorum cum rubea stella in pede pontis Pragensi ) - and the Metropolitan Chapter at St. Vitus in Prague , who is the owner of the tomb of this saint. Other partners who have made a contribution to the renewal of the sculpture are its birthplace, the city of Nepomuk , but also the parishes that belong to the extensive parish of Divina: Svederník , Divina and Divinka .

Statue of St. John of Nepomuk in Divina

St. John of Nepomuk

Johannes Nepomuk (around 1350-1393) was a Bohemian priest and martyr . He was in 1729 by Pope Benedict XIII. canonized and is considered a " bridge saint " and patron of the confessional secret . St. Johannes Nepomuk is one of the most depicted saints of the Habsburg monarchy, and in almost every community there is a memory of him in various forms (mostly sculptures).

Basic characteristic

  • Location: Divina Municipality , Slovakia
  • Century: 18th
  • Type of monument: statue
  • Material: sandstone
  • Style: late baroque
  • Author: Unknown
  • Founder: Count John Nepomuk Szunyogh
  • Year of construction: 1796
  • Years of major repairs: after 1822, 1995 and 2017
  • Author of the reconstruction: Marek Sobola


The hitherto unknown history of the sculpture of St. John Nepomuk opens the canonical visitation of the parish Veľká Divina from September 1st, 1828, which says: “There is also a stone sculpture of St. Johannes Nepomuk, who in 1796 was at the entrance to the Divina parish not far from the stream by the road. It was made at the expense of Count Johann Szunyogh. In the great fateful flood in 1822, which shook the whole community from the ground up, this sculpture was washed away. Eventually she was found headless. Then, thanks to the willingness of Count Stefan Csáky, today's patron of the church, it was repaired and placed on a brick pillar in front of the parish. “ St. Johannes Nepomuk died a martyr's death. His tortured body was bound and thrown into the Vltava River. 429 years later it happened to him again in Divina. The flood swept the sculpture of St. Johannes Nepomuk gone and he was drowned again. This time it ended up even worse than after the torture on the king's orders, it came to his head. Thank goodness the sculpture was found and repaired. It has been repainted and renewed several times over the centuries. When the restorers took it over, a clear trace was visible around the neck after cleaning - clear evidence that the head had been remade. Even if by a not quite as skillful master as with the original sculpture. Perhaps by a folk craftsman who did not have as much a sense of art as the unknown baroque artist who made the sculpture on behalf of Count Suňog.

Page from the canonical visitation of the parish Veľká Divina of September 1st, 1828

The sculpture solemnly blessed Mons. Tomáš Galis , Bishop of the Diocese of Žilina, and revealed Joachim Bleicker , Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Slovak Republic.

Individual evidence

  1. a b SOBOLA, Marek: Príbeh svätojánsky, Socha sv. Jána Nepomuckého v Divine / The Story of St. John, Statue of St. John of Nepomuk in Divina / ដំណើររឿង របស់ St. John, រូបចម្លាក់ St. John Nepomuk នៅ ក្រុង Divina / The story of St. John , The statue of St. Johannes Nepomuk in Divina / Историята на св. Ян, Статуята на св. Ян Непомуцки в Дивина . In: Servare et Manere, oz & Kysucké múzeum v Čadci . 2017, ISBN 978-80-972614-3-6 .
  2. ^ Catalog of the German National Library. Retrieved August 6, 2017 .
  3. Pamiatkový object - podrobnosti. Retrieved August 6, 2017 (Slovak).
  4. a b VURUM, Joseph: Canonica visitatio, Nagy Divina (in Latin) . Nitra 1828, p. 14 .
  5. Biskup Galis požehnal obnovenú sochu sv. Jána Nepomuckého v Divine. Retrieved August 6, 2017 .