Stefan Köster

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Stefan Köster at the NPD federal party conference in 2006

Stefan Köster (born December 11, 1973 in Dortmund ) is a German politician ( NPD ) and neo-Nazi cadre. He is the full-time federal manager and state chairman of the NPD state association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and was a member of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from 2006 to 2016 . Köster was a member of the right-wing extremist Wiking Youth , which was banned in 1994 and succeeded the Hitler Youth and the Association of German Girls . Since March 2017 he has also been the national treasurer of the NPD.


After completing the technical college entrance qualification in 1990, Köster completed an apprenticeship as an insurance salesman by 1993 and then worked as an underwriter in the back office of an insurance company until 2005. In addition, he trained to become a business economist (VWA) from 1994 to 1997 . Köster has been working as an independent advertising and administrative consultant since 2006.

Party career and participation in elections

Stefan Köster is based in Pätow in western Mecklenburg and has been the press spokesman for the NPD state association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for several years . After the death of the NPD lawyer and state chairman Hans Günter Eisenecker on November 29, 2003, Köster took over the management of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state association at the beginning of 2004 and was promoted to the party's federal executive board as federal managing director. Since the local elections in June 2004 he has been a member of the Ludwigslust district assembly for the NPD, together with Klaus Bärthel . In the year and a half of parliamentary work up to the beginning of 2006, together they only submitted a single substantive motion to the district council, in the first session after the local elections.

For the 2005 Bundestag election , Köster ran for the NPD as a direct candidate in the Schwerin-Ludwigslust constituency and gained 8.6 percent of the vote. Due to an ongoing investigation into serious bodily harm , he initially waived the top candidacy for the 2006 state elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . However, since the German People's Union (DVU) waived the places that were guaranteed to it because of the election agreements, he still ran, entered the fourth place on the list and entered the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on September 17, 2006. On September 4, 2011 , Köster succeeded in returning to the state parliament at number 4 with the NPD. In the following state election in September 2016 , his party failed to make it into the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.


After left-wing demonstrators pelted the bar where the NPD party congress members met and the cars standing in front of it with stones at an election event on December 4, 2004 as part of the NPD state election campaign in Steinburg near Itzehoe ( Schleswig-Holstein ), leading NPD attacked -Functions, including Stefan Köster, together with younger right-wing extremists, physically attacked the demonstrators. Köster and two other men kicked a protester and injured her.

By winning the state parliament mandate in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Köster was protected by immunity . On October 19, 2006, the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania unanimously lifted the NPD MP's immunity.

Ingo Stawitz and the two co-defendants were sentenced in 2007 by the Itzehoe Regional Court for collective dangerous bodily harm to fines amounting to 90 daily rates each. After Köster had confessed to the act on appeal and the defense had reduced their legal remedy against the conviction to the sentence, this in return was limited to 90 daily rates and Köster was sentenced to pay 5,400 euros for collective dangerous bodily harm.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andrea Röpke : Holidays in the Führerbunker. The neo-Nazi child-rearing of the "Heimattreuen German Youth (HDJ)". 2nd Edition. Educational Association Work and Life, Braunschweig 2008, ISBN 978-3-932082-32-0 , p. 39 ff.
  4. Spiegel Online: Kicks against demonstrator: NPD country chief Köster convicted of assault . March 22, 2007. Retrieved October 29, 2015.