Stefan Schubert (film producer)

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Stefan Schubert (* 1955 in Mannheim ) is a German film producer .


Schubert completed his psychology studies in Hamburg in 1982 with a diploma. In 1984 he had his first job in a movie production, two years later he was the first production manager for the directorial debut of his future company partner Ralph Schwingel . Since then, Stefan Schubert has looked after around 40 national and international feature and documentary films as a producer, consultant, line producer and line producer, over 30 of which with the desert film production.

Stefan Schubert has been a member of the board of the New German Feature Film Producers Association since 2001. Since March 2008 he has been a member of the board of the Alliance of German Producers - Film and Television .

Further information on Stefan Schubert's career can be found under desert film production

Filmography (selection)

Executive Producer

  • 1992: shadow boxer
  • 1995: Conquering the Middle
  • 1995: Colorful dogs




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