Stilt Warbler

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Stilt Warbler
Stilt warbler (Seiurus motacilla)

Stilt warbler ( Seiurus motacilla )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Wood Warbler (Parulidae)
Genre : Parkesia
Type : Stilt Warbler
Scientific name
Parkesia motacilla
( Vieillot , 1809)

The stilt warbler ( Parkesia motacilla , syn .: Seiurus motacilla ) is a small bird from the family of the wood warbler (Parulidae). It is next to the riparian wood warbler ( Parkesia noveboracensis ) the second species in the genus Parkesia .

Their habitats are often in the forest, close to a body of water, such as swamps, lagoons, rocky streams and rivers. In their winter quarters they can also be found in the mangroves .

The stilt warbler is very similar in appearance to the riparian forest warbler. In both sexes, a white line extends from the base of the beak over the eyes to the neck area, which is longer than that of the riparian warbler. They have white to yellow underside plumage with brown stripes on the chest and flanks and olive-brown upper side plumage.

Stilt Warbler feed on insects , small crustaceans , molluscs , small fish, and occasionally seeds. They catch their prey in the air or search on the ground, often along the edge of a body of water or in the water. They also turn stones and leaves over to get to the hidden prey.

Stilt Warbler have a smaller range than the related species riparian warbler ( Parkesia noveboracensis ) and are less common in North America. Their breeding areas are predominantly in the southeast and northeast of North America , such as the Great Lakes and New England . The distribution area extends from the south in Canada over the eastern USA to Florida . They spend the winter in Mexico , Central America , the north of South America and the Caribbean .


  • Jon Curson, David Quinn, David Beadle: New World Warblers. Helm, London 1994, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6 .

Web links

Commons : Wood Warbler ( Parkesia motacilla )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files