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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / IS-S
Main Street 68 IcelandIcelandIceland 
Course of the S 68
Basic data
Operator: Vegagerðin
Start of the street: Hringvegur R1 near Brú in Hrútafjörður
( 65 ° 9 ′  N , 21 ° 5 ′  W )
End of street: Djúpvegur ( 65 ° 40 ′  N , 21 ° 40 ′  W )S61
Overall length: 104.63 km

Region (landsvæði) :


Course of the road
Confluence Hringvegur R1
bridge Tungutúnslækur
Junction Borðeyrarvegur H640Borðeyri
Junction on the left Laxárdalsvegur T59
bridge Hrómundará
bridge Laxá
bridge Bæjará
bridge Pestbrakkaá
bridge Fossá
bridge Kollsá
bridge Hvalsá
bridge Kolbeinsá
bridge Víkurá hjá Guðlaugsvík
bridge Kattará
bridge Þambá
bridge Tunguá
Junction on the left Krossárdalsvegur H641
bridge Krossá
bridge Ennisá
bridge Broddaá
bridge Líká
bridge Þrúðardalsá
Junction on the left Steinadalsvegur T690
bridge Fellsá
bridge Hvalsá
bridge Heydalsá
bridge Miðdalsá í Steingrímsfirði
bridge Hrófá
Confluence Djupvegur S61

The Innstrandavegur is a main road in the West Fjords of Iceland .

It begins on the ring road R1 at Brú in Hrútafjörður and runs on the west bank of the fjord, further north on the west bank of the Húnaflói . Borðeyri is a small place by the fjord and the supply center for the area. The Laxárdalsvegur T59leads to the west coast of the Westfjords through the Laxárdalur in which the Laxdæla saga played. About the Stikuháls (165 m.) Of Innstrandavegur reached the Bitrufjörður . The road climbs to its highest point on the Ennisháls (290 m). There is a traffic and weather observation station up here. Inside the Kollafjörður the Steinadalsvegur forms T690another connection to Vestfjarðavegur S60 . In Steingrímsfjörður , the Innstrandavegur ends after almost 105 km at Djúpvegur S61 , which leads via Hólmavík through the fjords of Ísafjarðardjúps to Ísafjörður .

From 1972 to 1995 this street was called Hólmavíkurvegur S68, then it became Djúpvegur S61 and has had its current name since October 1st, 2009. 39 km of the route have not yet been paved.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vegaskrá 2018 - kaflaskipt. Retrieved January 4, 2020 (Icelandic).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j Brúaskrá - Brýr á þjóðvegum (febrúar 2016). Retrieved January 6, 2020 (Icelandic).
  3. a b Hæð nokkurra vega yfir sjó 22.12.2010. Retrieved January 6, 2020 (Icelandic).
  4. ^ Hólmavík-Borðeyri. Retrieved January 6, 2020 (Icelandic).