Stranger from Venus

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Original title Stranger from Venus, alternative title Immediate Desaster , The Venusian ( USA ), El Venusiano ( Mexico )
Country of production Great Britain , United States
original language English
Publishing year 1954
length 78 minutes
Director Burt Balaban
script Desmond Leslie ,
Hans Jacoby
production Burt Balaban,
Gene Martel
music Eric Spear
camera Kenneth Talbot
cut Peter R. Hunt

Stranger from Venus is a British -US-American science fiction - feature film directed by Burt Balaban from the year 1954th


In a northern European country that is similar to England , air traffic control registers strange light signals. Susan North is driving an open car on a lonely country road. Suddenly she hears strange noises. She becomes distracted and causes a traffic accident in which she is seriously injured. She remains unconscious in the car. A man in a kind of spacesuit, who can only be seen from behind, opens the car door.

The same man appears shortly afterwards in a hotel and orders something to drink. He has neither a name nor money. The stranger explains that he is from another planet and asks for accommodation.

The local police appear first, then a government official. The region is cordoned off by the military on a large scale. An attempt to arrest the stranger fails because he can build up a force field around himself. He calls on the government of the country to convene an international conference at which he wants to describe the Venusian concerns about the nuclear armament of the earth.

Meanwhile, Susan has appeared at the hotel. She is slightly confused, but the consequences of the accident can hardly be seen. The stranger explains that the surprisingly quick healing is due to his action. Susan and the stranger go out together. He wins her trust and it seems as if both of them have fallen in love.

The government tries to outsmart the stranger and only call a national meeting. He vehemently rejects this plan. The military takes defensive measures against the planned landing of a Venusian spaceship that is supposed to take the stranger back. The Venusian warns the people of the terrible weapons of the spaceship, but when it becomes apparent that they will give in, he orders the ship back into orbit .

Suddenly the stranger has disappeared. It is unclear whether he died or whether he managed to reach the spaceship after all.

Production background

Stranger from Venus was an attempt to build on the success of The Day the Earth Stood Still on an extremely small budget . Therefore, Patricia Neal was hired for the role of Susan North, who had played the leading female role there. The plot is very similar to the plot of American production: the nuclear power developed on Earth and the hydrogen bomb are perceived by alien civilizations as a threat that gives them the right to intervene. Due to the scarce resources, the film was staged as a chamber play in which the most important parts of the plot are located in the hotel lobby. Trick recordings were used very sparingly.

See also

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