Marsh marshmallow

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Marsh marshmallow
Marsh marshmallow (Hibiscus moscheutos)

Marsh marshmallow ( Hibiscus moscheutos )

Eurosiden II
Order : Mallow-like (Malvales)
Family : Mallow family (Malvaceae)
Subfamily : Malvoideae
Genre : Hibiscus ( hibiscus )
Type : Marsh marshmallow
Scientific name
Hibiscus moscheutos

The Hibiscus moscheutos ( Hibiscus moscheutos ), also Roseneibisch called, is a species of the genus Hibiscus ( Hibiscus ) in the family of mallow (Malvaceae).

Description and ecology

Fruit and seeds

The Bogfish is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of growth of over 2 meters. The above-ground parts of the plant die off in winter; the plant sprouts again from the "root stock" in spring. The alternate leaves are arranged in a petiole and a leaf blade. The simple leaf blade is 15 to 20 cm long and 5 to 7 cm wide. The underside of the leaf is velvety hairy and the upper side is glabrous.

The hermaphrodite flowers are about the size of a palm; they reach a diameter of about 15 centimeters, but in many cultivated forms also up to 30 cm. They are white or pink, sometimes tinged with a delicate dark pink, shaded in the center around the pistil from light pink to dark carmine. The single flower only blooms for one day. The insects that pollinate the large flowers in their native North America are not found in Europe. As with all representatives of the subfamily Malvoideae, the many stamens have grown together to form a tube surrounding the pistil , the so-called Columna .


In the warmest locations in Germany (wine-growing areas such as the Rheingau ) the hardy plant sprouts from April and sets the flower buds from the end of June. For a good set of flowers, the marsh flesh needs very warm summer temperatures. The home of the swamp marsh is in southeastern North America , where marshland and marshland are preferred as natural habitats. Hibiscus moscheutos in many parts of the world, such as large areas of the eastern and central United States (west as far as Utah and New Mexico ), Hawaii , France , Italy and Spain a neophyte .


The first publication of Hibiscus moscheutos was made in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum , 2, S. 693. Originally, which differ from the nominate subspecies as separate species Hibiscus incanus J.C.Wendl. and Hibiscus palustris L. have been described.

Of Hibiscus moscheutos three subspecies have been described:

  • Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. incanus (JCWendl.) HEAhles
  • Hibiscus moscheutos L. subsp. moscheutos
  • Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. palustris (L.) RTClausen


Many varieties have emerged; The aim of breeding was sometimes particularly large flowers, sometimes particularly small growth. Here is a selection of cultivated forms:

  • 'Anne Arundel': plant up to 1.7 m high; pink flowers about 22 cm in diameter.
  • 'Blue River II': Large white flowers.
  • 'Disco Belle Mix': Plant up to about 2 m high; Flowers up to 25 cm in diameter; Flower color varies from white to dark red.
  • 'Lady Baltimore': Plant up to 1.7 m tall; Flowers pink with a red center.
  • 'Lord Baltimore': plant up to 1.7 m high; red flowers about 25 cm in diameter.
  • 'Mallow Marvels': plant up to 1.3 m high; Flowers about 15 cm in diameter; Flower color red, white and pink.
  • 'Southern Belle': plant up to 1 m high; red, pink and white flowers about 25 cm in diameter.
  • 'Sweet Caroline': plant up to 2 m high; Flowers pink with a darker center and streaked with dark nerve lines; the flower edges are curled.
  • 'Turn of the Century': Plant about 2 to 2.6 m high; Flowers red and pink.

Individual evidence

  1. Hibiscus moscheutos in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  2. See archived copy ( memento of the original dated June 25, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; The following references are given for the individual varieties: Walters Gardens 1997, Weston Nurseries 1994, Bailey Nurseries 1997, Wayside Gardens 1996 and Ray Wiegand's Nursery 1997. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Marsh marshmallow ( Hibiscus moscheutos )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files