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Fylke Hordaland, Sunnhordland is marked in blue.

Sunnhordland is a geographical area in western Norway that includes the southern parts of the former Fylke Hordaland . It extends from the end of the Hardangerfjord in the east over the coastal areas to the Atlantic in the west. Sunnhordland consists of the municipalities of Bømlo , Etne , Fitjar , Kvinnherad , Stord , Sveio , Tysnes , and parts of the Vindafjord municipality in Rogaland .

Sunnhordland apart from Ølen in the municipality of Vindafjord includes 7 municipalities and has an area of ​​2,896 km² and a population of 56,264 (July 1st, 2009). The capital of the Sunnhordland region is Leirvik .

Sunnhordland is one of 15 districts that together make up Vestlandet .


Sunnhordland is also the name of a daily newspaper published in the region.

See also

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