SuperPower 2

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SuperPower 2
Studio GolemLabs
Publisher Dreamcatcher
October 2004
platform Windows
genre Real time strategy game
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard
system advantages
1.5 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, 2 GB hard disk space, 3-D graphics card
medium 2 CDs
language German
Age rating
USK released from 12
PEGI recommended for ages 3+

SuperPower 2 is a real-time strategy game released in 2004 by the Canadian developer GolemLabs . The player can choose one of 193 countries recognized by the UN and act politically, economically and militarily with the same.

SuperPower 2 is the continuation of SuperPower .

On April 18, 2014, a revised version appeared on Steam as "SuperPower 2 Steam Edition".

Course of the game


First you choose one of the playable states, a political party and the goals to be achieved (e.g. secure world peace, double GDP ) or an endless game. You mainly play on a 3D real-time globe on which all playable states can be selected and various statistics on the countries, such as military strength or country relations, can be called up.

The surface is very detailed, it can be zoomed in so far that rivers and mountains can be seen and roads are also drawn on the map.

Political area


Here you can change the capital, the form of government and laws (e.g. allow or prohibit child labor, abortion, polygamy , religions, languages, political parties and migration ). Statistics on the recognition of the current government, the stability of the state, the political pressure on other countries, the political ideology of the state and corruption can also be viewed. Contracts and associations can also be formed here, which are an essential part of the game.


Government recognition is primarily influenced by the tax rate and the distribution of expenses. If you have a high income tax rate, the people expect many social measures, such as investments in health care. In addition, are unemployment , stability, internal laws and the population density important. One forbids z. B. religions, languages, parties, etc. the people can turn against the government. Low recognition increases emigration and the likelihood of not being re-elected.

The stability of a state can be increased above all by increasing the GDP, by a high level of human development and by a balanced resource policy. Conversely, it can be detrimental to stability if there are many different religions and languages ​​in the country. However, as human development increases, this problem diminishes. Secret operations by other states (see military area) such as terrorism and of course wars can also reduce stability. Low stability increases the likelihood that a coup will be successful, and if stability falls below 10%, there is a possibility that the country will fall into anarchy.


It is very often advisable to conclude treaties and agreements with other states. Examples of this are political alliances such as agreements for a good cause, humane cooperation, economic contracts such as development aid , the common market or military alliances such as a military right of passage, alliances or declarations of war .

In addition, realpolitical treaties such as the EU (as a common market), NATO and the WEU (as military alliances), the USA-Cuba trade embargo and the UN already exist .

Forms of government

The following forms of government can be selected, with each form of government having advantages and disadvantages.

Form of government advantages disadvantage Examples
Multi-party democracy Highest resource production, low corruption, low risk of a coup Player has to be re-elected every four years, highest resource consumption, high government spending, highest negative impact on stability with large military in relation to population, high negative impact on government recognition when war is declared USA , Germany
One-party democracy Elections are always won, high resource production, lower negative impact on stability in large military, low risk of a coup, lower negative impact on government recognition when declaring war High consumption of resources, high government spending, high level of corruption Cuba , China
Communist state No elections, low resource consumption, low corruption, low risk of a coup Low resource production, highest government spending, negative effects of government recognition in the event of a declaration of war, highest negative effect on stability with large military in relation to the population no
monarchy No elections, low resource consumption, low negative impact on government recognition in the event of a declaration of war, lower negative impact on stability with large military in relation to the population, low government spending Low resource production, high corruption, high risk of a coup Saudi Arabia
theocracy No elections, lower negative impact on stability with large military in relation to population, low resource consumption, low corruption, lower negative impact on government recognition in the event of a declaration of war, low government spending With a high number and proportion of other religions, stability decreases, resource production is low, and the risk of a coup is high Vatican , Iran
Military dictatorship No elections, very low negative impact when declaring war, positive impact on stability with a large military in relation to the population, lower costs for military units, faster switching of units between 'dormant' and 'ready', very low resource consumption, very low government spending Very low resource production, high corruption, extremely high risk of a coup Myanmar , Central African Republic
anarchy no Very high risk of a coup, production of resources stopped, production of units stopped, state income to 0, extremely high level of corruption, state cannot conclude contracts with other countries only through rebellion

In general, the more similar the form of government in two countries, the better the relationship between them.

Military area


Here it is possible to create units as well as to design completely new units. You can also determine how military research is distributed. There are basically three types of units: Ground units, such as B. infantry , tanks and rocket launchers , air units such as bombers and helicopters as well as sea units such as aircraft carriers and (nuclear) submarines . You can also construct nuclear weapons and a missile defense system and then fire them on the strategic map. Furthermore, there is the possibility to create cells and to develop which secret operations like z. B. sabotage or coup d'état ( coup ) run to harm an enemy state.


If you declare war on someone for no reason or carry out many secret operations against a country, this can very quickly lead to a drastic deterioration in international relations, even with countries that are not directly affected. The use of nuclear weapons, in particular, is only advisable in extreme emergencies, as a counterstrike can also be expected if the attacked country also has nuclear weapons. There is also the option of ordering military units from countries with which you are allied or have an arms trade agreement.

Economic area


In the economic menu, you can change the amount of taxes, regulate income and expenses, conduct trade and privatize or nationalize national economic sectors . The most important tax in the game is income tax , which the player uses to earn the majority of his income. There is also the possibility of changing the interest rate and it is also important to determine the expenses. So you can z. B. reduce foreign aid or propaganda expenditure.


Tax increases tend to lower the recognition of the government among the population, but this can be offset by social measures such as increasing education, health or infrastructure budgets. The can corruption increase significantly, one should set the income tax too high.


There are a number of mods for SuperPower 2 . These can be created with little effort using the “GLEditor” program supplied or with the SDK that is offered on the developer's homepage. Popular mods include:

  • Canadian Federation
  • Cascadia
  • Cold War 1985
  • combo
  • Corporate
  • Global Conflict
  • Korea United
  • Realism
  • Return to power
  • Ruges MARRIAGE
  • Infantry
  • World War II
  • MultiMOD
  • JoshuaMOD


SuperPower 2 also offers the possibility to play online with up to 32 players.

A considerable online community has formed around SuperPower 2 . Mostly the "Realism Mod 1.6" is used in online games, but less often the "World War II" Mod or others are used.

Often there are server-dependent rules in online games, e.g. B. not attacking countries without prior coordination among the other players. It is also popular as a role-playing game, i. H. It tries to play as realistically as possible and bigger actions of the player are announced in the chat.

Web links