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Symphysanodon katayamai

Symphysanodon katayamai

Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pempheriformes
Family : Symphysanodontidae
Scientific name
Katayama , 1984

The Symphysanodontidae are a family of perch-related fish from the order Pempheriformes , which occurs with 13 species in the western Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific at depths of 90 to 500 meters. Their systematic position within the perch relatives is uncertain as little research has been done on them. Some species are only known from the holotype , only from one site or only from finds from predatory fish stomachs.

Features and systematics

The fish reach a length of 8 to 20 centimeters. Characteristic of the family are two spines on the gill cover. Your dorsal fin is usually supported by nine hard and ten soft rays. Of the two genera of the family, Symphysanodon was described by the Dutch ichthyologist Pieter Bleeker as early as 1878 ; the second was only added in mid-2017. Symphysanodon was assigned in 1928 by the American zoologist Henry Weed Fowler to the anthias (Anthiadinae), a subfamily of the sawfish (Serranidae), to which they resemble externally. At the end of the 1960s and 1970, Symphysanodon was then placed in the family of the snapper (Lutjanidae) by various scientists . The American ichthyologist G. David Johnson was unable to find any osteological evidence of a close relationship between the genus Symphysanodon and snappers in a paper published in 1975 . In 1984 the Japanese ichthyologist Katayama therefore introduced the family Symphysanodontidae with Symphysanodon as the only genus.

In contrast to the snappers and the sawfish, adult Symphysanodontidae have areas of exposed external teeth in the upper and lower jaw. The large scale on the base of the pelvic fin is lanceolate in the Symphysanodontidae, but triangular, rectangular in the perch and snappers or is not noticeable compared to the surrounding scales. The Symphysanodontidae have 25 vertebrae, anthias 26 to 28, the usual saw bass and the snapper 24. In the Symphysanodontidae the preoperculum has a right-angled corner, in the snapper it is rounded. The frontal and parietals of the Symphysanodontidae have a clear ridge that is missing in the saw bass. The insertion pattern of Pterygiophoren the dorsal fin between the spinous processes (Supraneuralia) the vortex is in almost all Symphysanodontidae unique (except S. octoactinius ) and is found in this form only in the South African columns perch to (Dinopercidae), but probably not close with Symphysanodontidae are related and differ from them in numerous morphological features. Cymatognathus , the second genus of the family only described in mid-2017, differs from Symphysanodon in the shape of the lower jaw and the slit-shaped, horizontally aligned rear nostrils.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Symphysanodon on (English)
  2. ^ Joseph S. Nelson : Fishes of the World. Wiley, New York 2006, ISBN 0-471-25031-7
  3. a b c d Seishi Kimura, G. David Johnson, Teguh Peristiwady and Keiichi Matsuura. 2017. A New Genus and Species of the family Symphysanodontidae, Cymatognathus aureolateralis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) from Indonesia. Zootaxa . 4277 (1); 51-66. DOI: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4277.1.4 , pages 52-53.