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A species of the genus Synura

A species of the genus Synura

without rank: Diaphoreticks
without rank: Sar
without rank: Stramenopiles (stramenopiles)
without rank: Synural
Family : Mallomonadaceae
Genre : Synura
Scientific name
Ehrenberg , 1834

Synura is an algae - genus of the order synurid with about 17 species .


Synura forms free-floating, spherical colonies (diameter: 10 to 400 µm) from egg-shaped or elongated cells that are arranged radially around the center. Each cell has two flagella of equal or different length, two lateral golden-brown plastids , a nucleus , and several contractile vacuoles , which can be located in different places. The cells are also mostly covered with pebble flakes over their entire surface. The scales often have a distinct point or bristle that points towards the point of attachment of the flagella. The cells do not have an eye spot .


With asexual reproduction , a protoplast splits longitudinally ; a protoplast can also emerge from the scales as a zoospore . Whole colonies can sometimes split. The cells can also form asexual cysts with a silicified wall.

The sexual reproduction is done by isogamy. Two identical gametes (sex cells) fuse with one another, with one of the gametes leaving the colony while the other remains in its colony. The zygote transforms into a spherical permanent stage with a wall of silica, which is retained in the colony association.


Synura is a planktonic alga that occurs mainly in spring and autumn in slightly acidic, oligo- to mesotropic , stagnant waters. Synura uvella sometimes forms brown water flowers .

Types (selection)


  • Karl-Heinz Linne von Berg, Michael Melkonian u. a .: The Kosmos algae guide. The most important freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-440-09719-6 .
  • Heinz Streble , Dieter Krauter : Life in a drop of water. Microflora and microfauna of freshwater. An identification book. 10th edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-440-10807-4 .

Web links

Commons : Synura  - collection of images, videos and audio files