System integrator

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The term system integrator is used for job profiles in information technology (IT), systems engineering and industrial automation technology.

System integrator (IT)

System integrators are companies in the IT sector who sell, adapt, expand and integrate software and hardware products from other manufacturers into their customers' IT landscapes . Customers include a. medium-sized and larger companies, banks, insurance companies and public administration (authorities, associations and the like). A possible English name for the field of activity is systems integration .

Since administrative units have the greatest need for tailor-made solutions , database applications represent the main field of activity.

Market for IT consulting and system integration in Germany

In 2015, the following providers largely determined the German market for IT consulting and system integration:

rank Companies Sales in Germany in million euros Number of employees in Germany
1 Accenture 1) *) 1,550.0 6,550
2 IBM Global Business Services 1) *) 1,380.0 6,800
3 T-Systems 2) *) 1,200.0 4,100
4th Capgemini Germany 1) *) 700.0 3,200
5 Atos IT Solutions and Services 2) *) 578.0 2,900
6th NTT data 514.7 3.223
7th msg systems 492.7 3,857
8th Arvato Systems 373.1 2,207
9 Allgeier SE 372.5 3,988
10 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 2) *) 350.0 1,100
  • *) Sales and / or employee numbers are partially estimated
  • 1) Sales also include sales with management consulting
  • 2) Turnover from IT consulting and system integration

Inclusion in this ranking is subject to precisely defined criteria. More than 60 percent of sales are achieved with IT consulting, individual software development and system integration.

Role, distribution channels

System integrators act as an intermediary between software and hardware manufacturers on the one hand and commercial or public end customers on the other, and play a key role in the marketing strategy of most software and hardware manufacturers. Often they do not even purchase their products directly from the manufacturers, but from wholesalers ( distributors ).

The sales channel through system integrators and possibly also through distributors is called "indirect sales", in contrast to the rather rare direct sales to end customers. However, some large manufacturers (e.g. IBM or Canon ) also take on the role of system integrator themselves by setting up independently operating divisions or subsidiaries which, in order to offer a certain degree of neutrality, are often also authorized to sell products from To distribute competitors.

The system integrators are usually very sales-oriented: they regularly participate in tenders and maintain a personnel-intensive internal and external sales force . The share of distribution costs is around a third of the company's total costs on average. They buy the products at a correspondingly discounted rate, and the daily rates for their own services are set correspondingly high .

System integrator profiles

Most system integrators are medium-sized companies with a strong regional and industry focus. Larger companies (e.g. Accenture , EDS or CSC ), on the other hand, operate more or less globally and often also offer outsourcing and consulting services. The combination of advice and services always carries the risk of conflicts of interest that restrict competition and is therefore sometimes viewed with suspicion by the public.

While some system integrators have specialized in individual solutions, many distinguish themselves as solution providers with their own industry solutions or as partners of standard software manufacturers such as B. SAP .

Similar to consulting firms, customers expect system integrators to be largely independent of manufacturers, but this is rarely the case in practice. Many are tied to specific software or hardware manufacturers through close and sometimes even exclusive contracts and use and sell their products almost exclusively.

System integrator (professional profile system engineer)

The system engineer integrates new requirements for a computer system in complex hardware and software systems .

System integrators plan, install, administer, configure and maintain the complex IT systems. Further main activities are consulting and system analysis .

The area of ​​application is often in IT structures that have evolved over time .


The training in one of the IHK recognized IT occupations IT specialist (in the fields of system integration or application development), computer science Kaufmann , IT system merchant or IT systems engineer takes three years to complete. If the trainee has the general university entrance qualification , the training can be shortened by six months after consultation with the company providing the training.

The training takes place in the so-called "dual system" d. H. part of the training is spent in a company as a trainee and the other part in a vocational school.

Field of activity

The field of activity is very broad, as there are more complex IT systems in many areas. The focus, however, is on the engineering sector.

System integrator (industry)

In automation technology , system integrators are specialized companies who integrate individual or various technical systems (e.g. optical / electronic / mechanical sensors and actuators from typical component manufacturers) into production systems.

Requirement profiles

Detailed industry knowledge is required. The additional measurement technology or actuators must be integrated as seamlessly as possible into existing mechanical, electronic and software systems.

The availability of the technology introduced (and thus often of the entire production plant) must often be guaranteed by contract and maintained or quickly restored through fast technical support (e.g. service technicians on site) (regardless of the time of day and public holidays).

Individual evidence

  1. Lünendonk list 2016 "Leading IT consulting and system integration companies in Germany" (PDF; 333 kB)

See also