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Tele24 was a national Swiss private television broadcaster owned by Roger Schawinski . The program aired from October 5, 1998 to November 30, 2001.


When Tele24 started, the company was owned 50% by Roger Schawinski's Belcom Holding AG and 25% each by the two media companies Ringier and Tamedia . In 1999 Ringier sold half of its 25% stake to Belcom Holding AG and Tamedia. 62.5% of the shares were held by Belcom Holding AG and 37.5% by Tamedia. In August 2001 Tamedia bought Belcom Holding AG without participating in Tele24, which was subsequently discontinued at the end of November 2001.


Tele24 developed from the Zurich regional broadcaster TeleZüri , which was also founded by Roger Schawinski. Tele24 and TeleZüri also shared a program space in the Zurich region. Tele24 and TeleZüri were produced at the same location.

  • 1998: Tele24 starts broadcasting
  • 1999: A fund of Credit Suisse First Boston has acquired a 40% stake in Belcom Holding AG and thus indirectly to Tele24.
  • 2001: Belcom Holding AG is sold to Tamedia.
  • 2001: November 30, 2001 is the last broadcast day of Tele24.


Tele24 offered a TV program with exclusively self-produced programs . The programs were broadcast several times.

Information broadcasts:

  • SwissNews : News program with a strong focus on Swiss topics. SwissNews were broadcast live at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. At 7 p.m. the program was broadcast again and repeated every hour from 9 p.m.
  • Money : Magazine with information on stock market events and interviews with business leaders
  • 24 minutes : reportage magazine
  • Live broadcasts : Current events such as the election of a new Federal Council or important press conferences (e.g. on the Swissair crisis) were broadcast live.

Talk shows:

  • TalkDaily : Daily talk show with one guest. The viewers could call into the show. Tele24 boss and co-owner Roger Schawinski moderated numerous issues of TalkTaily.
  • Silvan Grütter : Weekly talk show
  • Fadegrad : Weekly talk show, hosted by Christian Handelsman. Was introduced to replace Silvan Grütter's talk show after Silvan Grütter switched to TV3.
  • SonnTalk : Every Sunday broadcast program with journalists and politicians on current topics of the past week
  • Bistro : Daily talk and entertainment program, hosted by Christian Handelsman

Entertainment programs:

  • SwissDate : Weekly dating show
  • Inside : Weekly people magazine
  • Blöff : Quiz show
  • Lifestyle : a program in which celebrities were invited and interviewed
  • Venus & Mars : entertaining program on the subject of relationship problems
  • Jukebox : Daily broadcast about music , moderated by Reto Peritz (Tele24 started with this broadcast on the first day).

General information

So-called video journalists (“VJs”) produced the news items. The VJ was a journalist and cameraman at the same time. This enabled Tele24 to produce cheaply and quickly.

Tele24's program was broadcast in most Swiss cable networks and unencrypted via satellite .

According to Telecontrol and SRG Research Service, Tele24's market share between 1999 and 2001 was between 1.0 and 1.1%. (15 to 49 year olds, 6 to 11 p.m.)

At the beginning of 2001 Tele24 announced that the program Money would be outsourced under the direction of Markus Gilli to its own television station called Money24 , which would have been the first news and financial station in Switzerland . However, given the financial situation of Tele24, this seems very unrealistic from today's perspective. Whether and how far this project was developed is still unknown.


Individual evidence

  1. Schawinski gives up. In: . August 22, 2001.
  2. Data and facts on the Swiss TV advertising market. A contribution to the discussion on the new RTVG. Use of the regional language channels German-speaking Switzerland ( Memento from November 22, 2010 in the Internet Archive ; PDF; 4 kB). Prognos, p. 39.