Teufelsberg production

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The original Teufelsberger
Teufelsberger 1992

The Teufelsberg production (or: Teufelsberger ) was a comedy and cabaret group from Berlin around entertainer Ades Zabel . The important and formative members over the years have included: Bob Schneider , Petra Krause, Olaf Wriedt, Vivien Wilm, Thomas M. Goerke, Achim Staude, Stephan Bachtejeff, Ogar Grafe, Barbara Hamer-Hänsch and Hermoine Zittlau (alias Hermoine Matschuka Deragana ).

The formation, created in 1980 , first made a name for itself with its underground films (invitation to documenta 8, 1987 ). Her three-part feature film Drei Drachen vom Grill (with Tom Tykwer as camera assistant in the first part) was a successful parody of the previous evening series Drei Damen vom Grill . It became her biggest box office success and has been shown at several festivals (including the Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in London ).

From 1987 the Teufelsberger became known throughout Germany for their stage programs. In particular, the characters Edith & Hotte , Karin Hoene , Jutta Hartmann (42) , Uschi and Mandy Basta became audience favorites. Guest stars featured in the shows: Désirée Nick , Cora Frost , Gert Thumser, Biggy van Blond and others. a.

The Teufelsbergers often combine comedy with social satire. On the part of the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg , the group was promised funding for the script for the film adaptation of the show Croco Diabolo . However, no producer was found.

Since the winter of 2003 , Ades Zabel, Biggy van Blond and Bob Schneider have been celebrating successes with the long-running Edith Schröder Superstar , who advanced to a cult show in Berlin (at the BKA Theater ) and Hamburg ( Schmidt Theater ) and continues to be performed in various German cities ( Status: May 2008). In this “Neuköllnical” they continue the tradition of the ingenious amateurism of the Teufelsbergers with great professionalism. You now play on punch line, sing your own songs and can thus increase the fun of the trash even more. The follow-up shows When Edith's Bells are ringing and VIP - Lost in the Pacific were equally successful.

Ades Zabel and Bob Schneider played leading roles in the feature film production at 6.15 p.m. from Ostkreuz , a Miss Marple parody that premiered at the Berlin Film Festival in 2006 and was released in German cinemas in April 2006.


From Three Grilled Dragons: Third Teeth
  • 1980–1981: Sinnfilm
  • 1981: Edith Schröder - a German housewife
  • 1981: Luck on installments
  • 1982: Sinn Sinn II film
  • 1982: Ropotow in the fight against Terragoercs
  • 1983: Ropotow and the infinite worlds
  • 1984: The Faith Healers
  • 1984: Cyclopenuschi
  • 1983/1985: With us in Hoena
  • 1985: Ropotow - The return to earth
  • 1986: Episode in Jesus - The Movie
  • 1986: the last film
  • 1987: Three dragons from the grill, episode 750 Färbers don't give up
  • 1988: Bon Appetit
  • 1990: Three dragons from the grill, episode 751 The breakthrough
  • 1991–1992: Three Dragons from the Grill, Episode 752 Third Teeth

Stage programs

From the show blouses in the summer slump
  • 1987: Dig for Rosenthal
  • 1988: Christmas whirls with Maria and Joseph
  • 1988: Trannies in transit over transit
  • 1988: the big prize
  • 1989: Long Saturday or 389 please hang up ...
  • 1990: 10 years of Teufelsberg production (anniversary spectacle)
  • 1990: Chewing gum in your hair
  • 1991/1992: The great price (resumption)
  • 1991: Big eggs
  • 1992: The sausage is hot
  • 1992/1993: Edith & Hotte in The Big Kiss
  • 1993/1994: Edith & Hotte in Mutti's Revenge
  • 1994: Travesty magic
  • 1994: Edith & Hotte are bar of all reason
  • 1994: Babsi instead of Böller - Permanent New Year's Eve
  • 1994: Edith & Hotte - A song for Uwe
  • 1994: Roast Show - The fast evening in the station mission
  • 1995: In Juttas Stübl on Dietmarsee
  • 1995: Edith & Hotte - The film and other stories
  • 1995: Edith & Jutta - Sturmfrei Bude (SFB)
  • 1995: Edith & Hotte - When Uschi rings twice
  • 1995: Edith & Hotte - Home and World
  • 1995: Edith & Hotte - Big Eggs
  • 1995: Blouses in the summer slump
  • 1995: Ades Zabel: I'm so grateful to all of you (solo show)
  • 1995: Olaf Wriedt: Hotte - Left by Edith (solo show)
  • 1995: Goosebumps - We're heating up! 15 years of Teufelsberg production
  • 1997: Croco Diabolo
  • 1997: New Year 2000
  • 1998: Gries - Saturday Night Fever in Neukölln
  • 1998: History Repeating - Walk the street of memory
  • 1999: The Bimmler of West Bérlôen
  • 1999: New Year 2001
  • 2001: Uptown Tussis - They're Doin 'It Anyway
  • 2001: Comedy for Germany - the triumph of humor
  • 2002: Three angels for Ali: three women, two cases, one hairstyle finish!
  • 2002: We Are Family

TV appearances (selection)

  • 1992: FAB - report with interviews / excerpts from Three Dragons from the Grill
  • 1993: ORB (Tip-TV) - guest appearance by Edith & Hotte
  • 1994: IA - report with interviews / excerpts about Babsi instead of Böller
  • 1994: DW-TV - Excerpts from Mutti's Revenge live in the studio
  • 1994: DW-TV - portrait
  • 1994: IA - report with interviews / excerpts from the roast show
  • 1995: ORB (Tip-TV) - report with interviews / excerpts on goose bumps
  • 1996: puls-TV - report with interviews / excerpts about Croco Diabolo
  • 1997: ProSieben (Arabella) - guest appearance
  • 1997: FAB (Romeos) - report with interviews / excerpts on Croco Diabolo
  • 1997: TV.B - report with interviews / excerpts from New Year's Eve 2000
  • 1997: n-tv - report with interviews / excerpts on New Year's Eve 2000
  • 2002: 3sat - report with interviews / excerpts from We Are Family

Web links