The breed

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German title The breed
Original title The breed
Country of production USA , South Africa
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Nicholas Mastandrea
script Robert Conte
Peter Martin Wortmann
production Thomas Becker
Robert Conte
music Markus Trumpp
camera Giulio Biccari

The Breed is an American horror film released in 2006 . The film was shot in South Africa . The film premiered on May 18, 2006 at the Cannes Film Market on the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival . It is the directorial debut of Nicholas Mastandrea , Wes Craven's longtime assistant director .


A couple, Jenny and Luke, lose their bearings after drinking too much alcohol and reach an unknown island with their boat. While Luke stays in the boat, Jenny searches for a bar, but soon finds out that this island region seems to be uninhabited. On the way back to the boat, she is attacked by wild dogs and mangled.

Change of scene: The brothers Matt and John, their boyfriend Noah and Matt's friend Nicki and her friend Sara reach the coast of an island in their seaplane . They want to relax for a few days and celebrate in the beach house of the brothers' uncle, who died years ago. To everyone's delight, a puppy joins them in the evening. When the puppy suddenly leaves the house hissing, Sara and John follow him outside. Sara is suddenly attacked and bitten by an adult dog. Since the injury is not very serious, not much importance is attached to this scene and they decide to continue enjoying their stay as intended.

The next morning the men decide to explore the interior of the island while the two women go swimming. When they find the badly injured Luke and suddenly see themselves surrounded by dogs, the men get scared. While the men flee back to the hut in a panic, the dogs mauled Luke. When the women see the fleeing men and the pack of dogs chasing them, they also try to get to safety in the hut. However, Sara and Nicki are too slow and are attacked by a dog. John rushes to their aid with a bow and arrow, but injures Nicki in the process. Back at the house, Nicki and Sara receive makeshift medical care. The young people consult and Matt tells about a dog farm on the other side of the island where guide dogs were once trained. About a year ago the farm was closed because the animals contracted rabies. While Noah is upset about the disaster, a dog manages to get into the house through the window. He attacks Sara, but Matt and John kill him.

After these incidents, the group decided to leave the island immediately. The escape route to the plane is initially blocked by the pack of dogs, but when the plane drifts off the jetty because the dogs have bitten the plane's rope, John dares to swim to the plane. But there are also dogs on the plane and he manages to reach the hut with the others just in time before the pack reaches them. Since they can no longer use the plane, they plan to flee to the other side of the island with a car that they discovered in the barn. They hope to find an escape route there. The walk-way is too risky and so Nicki goes with a tensioned between two buildings zip line to the barn. But the car doesn't start, and when the dogs break into the barn, Nicki just manages to escape via the zip line.

When the night begins, the group is holed up in the house. When the power went out, Noah went to the fuse box in the basement and was attacked by a dog. When the others want to rush to his aid, he is already dead. In the meantime, the pack has managed to break into the house and so the only option left for the survivors is to flee to the attic. However, Matt is bitten by a dog.

The next day the dogs seem to have disappeared for the time being and so the brothers venture over to the barn. Since the car still won't start, they want to get the engine running by pushing it. The slope towards the coast seems ideal for this. At the last moment before the brothers plunge their car over the cliffs into the sea, the engine starts up. Back at the house, however, Sara's health has deteriorated and she refuses to leave the house. When John tries to carry them out of the house, they are attacked by a dog. While John only slightly injured himself by falling out of the window, Sara and the dog fall onto a post and are impaled.

The survivors arrive at the dog farm, which is surrounded by a high fence and seems to be safe from the dogs. While examining the rooms, they come across records showing that genetic experiments were carried out on the animals at the time. They also find a radio that they can use to get help. To do this, however, John has to climb the radio tower to connect the antenna. When Nicki switches on the radio, an electrical short circuit occurs, causing John to fall from the tower. In addition, a fire breaks out inside the facility. John was only slightly injured in the fall, but is immediately attacked by dogs. It seems like not even the fence can offer protection. While the brothers are fighting the dogs outside, Nicki is attacked by the dogs in the laboratory. You manage to defeat the dogs by detonating a gas cylinder. Due to the pressure wave, the dogs initially let go of their brothers, only to continue their attack shortly afterwards. While the brothers think Nicki is dead, she suddenly drives up in the car and saves them. By car they manage to escape to the boat of the first victims and they leave the island.

When John tries to lie down in a bunk, a dog jumps towards him.


"Animal horror film in the wake of the genre renaissance, which largely solidly reels off the long-familiar plot."

The online platform OutNow.CH rates “The Breed” as a thoroughly creative slasher . It is positively mentioned that the film stays within a realistic framework and that the dogs are not given supernatural powers, but simply a little more intelligence.


The film has been available for distribution since October 24, 2006 and in stores since December 7, 2006. The purchase and rental version of the DVD do not differ in their features. In addition to a making-of , they contain, among other things, background information and a picture gallery.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Breed in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used , accessed July 17, 2009.
  2. Film review on OutNow.CH. Retrieved July 17, 2009.