Theodor Kloter

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Theodor Kloter (born March 4, 1916 in Lengnau ; † April 30, 1990 in Meilen ; reformed , entitled to live in Meilen and Lengnau) was a Swiss politician (LdU) .


Theodor Kloter was born on March 4, 1916 in Lengnau as the son of the hotel concierge Leo Kloter and the Ida nee Angst. After completing his Matura at the Cantonal School of Lucerne , Theodor Kloter earned his diploma as a chemist at the Technikum Winterthur .

As a result, from 1943 he was operations manager, authorized signatory and HR manager at Produktion AG ( Migros ) in Meilen, and then from 1974 as president and manager of the Eiwog cooperative for condominiums.

Theodor Kloter, younger brother of the writer Karl Kloter , married Alice in 1942, daughter of Karl Friedrich Bühler, and in 1977 Anita, daughter of the farmer Eugen Baltensperger. He died in Meilen on April 30, 1990 two months after he had turned 74.

Political career

Theodor Kloter joined the State Ring of Independents (LdU) in 1945. He then officiated at the municipal level from 1954 to 1958 as Meilener council , subsequently to 1974 as mayor . At the cantonal level, he represented his party in the Zurich Cantonal Council between 1959 and 1969 . In addition, he took a seat on the National Council for the canton from 1967 to 1971 and 1973 to 1983 at the federal level .

Theodor Kloter set his political priorities in water and landscape protection as well as land law and spatial planning .


  • Paul Klaeger: “Theodor Kloter”, In: Heimatbuch Meilen, 1975, pp. 153–156; 1990, p. 131 f.

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