Theodor Ladewig

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Theodor Ladewig (* before June 28, 1812 , location unknown; † November 29, 1878 in Schwarzeckshof near Riga ; full name: Hermann Georg Theodor Ladewig ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.


Theodor Ladewig was found as a foundling without reference to his father or mother and without a name on the night of June 28-29, 1812 "near the court, on the way to Marien, wrapped in bad rags" and was found by Pastor Benjamin Ladewig (1761– 1834) from Groß Luckow accepted as a foster child. In the absence of specific information, the date of his discovery was therefore set as his birthday. On March 7, 1813, the child was baptized in the village church of Groß Luckow with the name (Hermann Georg) Theodor and given the family name of his foster father.

After attending grammar schools in Neustrelitz and Rostock , Ladewig studied classical philology and theology at the universities of Rostock , Leipzig and Heidelberg from 1830 . In Leipzig he joined Gottfried Hermann , with whom he also received his doctorate in 1834. After graduating in the same year, he worked as a teacher at the Neustrelitzer Gymnasium. In 1839 Ladewig was promoted to third teacher (professor) at the Neustrelitz grammar school Carolinum, in 1848 finally to second teacher (professor) at the same institution. During the revolution in 1848/49, Ladewig was elected a member of the constituent assembly of MPs in Mecklenburg in the Neustrelitz constituency , but soon resigned from his seat.

Ladewig was married twice: first marriage since 1840 to Louise Auguste Caroline Mohrmann, daughter of a Neustrelitz valet; second marriage since 1850 to Carolina Amalia Fischer, daughter of a merchant from St. Petersburg. After his retirement at Easter 1871, he moved to the Schwarzeckshof estate near Riga to live with his married daughter, where he died in 1878.


In addition to his work as a high school teacher, Ladewig dealt with Roman literature. At Virgil he published a school edition of the Bucolica , the Georgica and the Aeneid , which was published several times during his lifetime and appeared several times in revised form after his death. The most recent reprint of the revised version created by Carl Schaper and Paul Deuticke was published in Hildesheim in 2000. In addition, Ladewig published articles on the analysis and interpretation of Virgil's poems in school programs and magazines.

Another field of activity Ladewig was the Greek and Roman drama. In this area he wrote several articles for the Real Encyclopedia of Classical Classical Studies founded by August Friedrich Pauly in 1837 , which appeared under the editors Ernst Christian Walz and Wilhelm Siegmund Teuffel from Volume 5 (1848). The key words include representatives of the Middle and New Attic Comedy, Roman Drama and overview articles on genres and performance conditions. Part of his work in this area was published in 2001 by Ekkehard Stark and Ursula Gärtner under the title Writings on the Roman Drama of the Republican Era (Munich / Leipzig 2001).


  • Obituary Theodor Ladewig . In: Biographisches Jahrbuch für Altertumskunde , 1st year (1879), p. 42ff.
  • Friedrich August Eckstein , Nomenclator philologorum , Leipzig 1871, p. 312.
  • Wilhelm Pökel , Philological Writer's Lexicon , Leipzig 1882, p. 149.
  • Ekkehard Stark: Theodor Ladewig (1812–1878) and the Roman drama , in: Small writings on Roman literature , Leipzig 2005, pp. 333–344.

Individual evidence

  1. His exact date and place of birth are unknown; the information in the older literature is almost entirely incorrect. (see life )
  2. Pragst, Manfred: Professor without birth: the waif from Great Luckow became a teacher in Neustrelitz. - In: Mecklenburg Magazin (January 9, 2004) = No. 2.
  3. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. Not in 1848, as Eckstein states. A special appointment as high school professor has not been made.
  5. Official Gazette (May 4, 1839), p. 83.
  6. Official Gazette (1848), No. 16, p. 85.

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