Theodor Steinbüchel

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Theodor Martin Wilhelm Steinbüchel (born June 15, 1888 in Cologne , † February 11, 1949 in Tübingen ) was an important Catholic moral theologian and social ethicist .

Theodor Steinbüchel in Munich (1935)

Biographical and scientific stations

After graduating from high school in Cologne, Steinbüchel studied philosophy , Catholic theology and economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the University of Strasbourg from 1908 to 1912 . During his studies he became a member of the KDStV Badenia (Strasbourg) Frankfurt am Main in 1910 . He received his doctorate in 1911 in Strasbourg during medievalists Clemens Baeumker Dr. phil. with the dissertation The thought of purpose in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas .

In 1913 he was ordained a priest in Cologne , after which he worked as a chaplain in Düsseldorf and Oberkassel until 1920 . That year he was in Bonn because of the dissertation Socialism as a moral idea. With special consideration of his relations to Christian ethics under the direction of the moral theologian Fritz Tillmann to Dr. theol. PhD. As early as 1922, the theological habilitation followed with the (lost) text The economy in its relationship to moral values ​​- a contribution to ethical value theory from the standpoint of Christian ethics . He was then a private lecturer at the University of Bonn until 1926 , and from 1924 he was also a lecturer for Catholic worldview at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1926 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the University of Giessen . From 1935 until the closure of the Catholic theological faculty by the National Socialists in 1939, he worked as a professor of moral theology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . From 1941 until his untimely death in 1949 he was professor of moral theology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen , and from 1946 to 1948 also rector .

In 1929 Steinbüchel became an honorary member of the Unitas Association .


Steinbüchel marks an unusually constructive examination of medieval and modern thinking, especially with Thomas Aquinas , Immanuel Kant and especially with Karl Marx (according to ( 1 Thess 5:21  EU ): "Check everything and keep what is good!"). From them he learned the fundamentals for his moral theology and social ethics, which are oriented towards the kingdom of God and characterized by deep reverence for man. Together with the Catholic Socialists ( Wilhelm Hohoff , Ernst Michel , Walter Dirks and Heinrich Mertens ) and parallel to the Religious Socialists, Steinbüchel worked all his life to build a bridge between Christianity and socialism . He is an unjustly forgotten, ecumenically open-minded innovator of Christian ethics and a pioneer of the Second Vatican Council as well as the post-conciliar theological awakenings in the new political theology ( Johann Baptist Metz ) and the Latin American liberation theology .

Works (selection)

During his lifetime

  • The concept of purpose in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. Represented according to the sources (contributions to the history of the philosophy of the Middle Ages. Texts and investigations, edited by Clemens Baeumker, 11/1), Aschendorff, Münster 1912
  • Socialism as a moral idea. A contribution to Christian social ethics (treatises from ethics and morals 1), Schwann, Düsseldorf 1921
  • Immanuel Kant. Volume 1: Introduction to his world and the meaning of his philosophy. Volume 2: Building his world. ( Religious Sources 78/79), Schwann, Düsseldorf 1931
  • The basic problem of the Hegelian philosophy. Presentation and appreciation. Volume 1: The Discovery of the Mind. Hanstein, Bonn 1933
  • (Ed.): The image of people. Contributions to theological and philosophical anthropology (FS Fritz Tillmann), Schwann, Düsseldorf 1934 (together with Theodor Müncker)
  • (Ed.): Philosophy - its history and its systematics. 8 departments, Bonn 1934ff
  • Christian Middle Ages. Hegner, Leipzig 1935
  • The upheaval in thinking. The question of Christian existence is explained by Ferdinand Ebner's interpretation of man . Pustet, Regensburg 1936
  • The philosophical foundation of the catholic moral doctrine. 2 half-volumes (Handbook of Catholic Morals 1, edited by Fritz Tillmann), Schwann, Düsseldorf 1938
  • Friedrich Nietzsche. A Christian reflection (Der Deutschenspiegel 10), Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart 1946
  • Europe as unity in spirit . Speech at the takeover of the rectorate of the University of Tübingen (University of Tübingen 36), Mohr, Tübingen 1946
  • FM Dostoevsky. His image of man and of the Christian. Five lectures. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1947
  • Awe. Mittelbach, Stuttgart 1947
  • (Ed.): Romanticism. A cycle of Tübingen lectures. Rainer Wunderlich Verlag, Tübingen and Stuttgart 1948
  • Existentialism and Christian Ethos. Publishing house of the Borromäus-Verein, Bonn and Kerle, Heidelberg 1948
  • About the meaning of Caritas. Sermon on Caritas Sunday in Tübingen. Tuebingen 1948.


  • Christian attitudes towards life in the crisis of time and man. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1949
  • Man and Reality in Philosophy and Poetry of the 20th Century. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1949
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff after a hundred years. To commemorate the hundredth anniversary of her death on May 24, 1948. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1950
  • Socialism (collected essays on intellectual history 1, edited by Alfons Auer), Mohr, Tübingen 1950.
  • (Ed.): From theology and philosophy (FS Fritz Tillmann), Patmos, Düsseldorf 1950 (together with Theodor Müncker)
  • The descent of man. Theory and theology. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1951
  • Great figures of the West. Image and example of Christian realization. Paulinus, Trier 1951
  • Religion and morals in the light of personal Christian existence. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1951
  • On the image of man in the Christian Middle Ages (Libelli 1), Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Tübingen 1951
  • Disintegration of the Christian ethos in the XIX century Century. Knecht, Frankfurt / M. 1951
  • Man and God in the piety and ethos of German mysticism . Seventeen lectures from the estate, ed. by Anton Steinbüchel, Patmos, Düsseldorf 1952
  • Europe as an idea and spiritual realization. The fate of the West - shown in the events around Cologne Cathedral as a symbol. Wort und Werk, Cologne undated [1953]

Secondary literature

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Complete directory of the CV The honorary members, old men and students of the Cartell Association (CV) of the cath. German student associations. 1912, Strasbourg i. Els. 1912, p. 323.
  2. Wolfgang Burr (ed.): Unitas manual . tape 1 . Verlag Franz Schmitt, Siegburg 1995, p. 364 .