Tobi Reiser Prize

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The Tobi Reiser Prize was an annual folk culture prize that was most recently endowed with € 3,700. It was usually awarded by the Association of Friends of Salzburg Advent Singing on Tobi Reiser's birthday, March 2nd.

In October 2013, the Salzburg Advent Singing Association announced that the awarding of the Tobi Reiser Prize would be suspended. The reasons for this are the unclear role Reiser played during the National Socialist era. They want to live up to their responsibility towards Tobi Reiser as a person, towards the Reiser Prize winners, but also towards Heimatwerk and Adventsingen, and wait for scientific research into “how Reiser dealt with history in his time and what he did and did not do Has". In 2016, the State of Salzburg announced that it would no longer award the prize in future.

In May 2016, the Association of Friends of Salzburg Advent Singing announced that there would definitely no longer be a prize in its current form. The association declared this step in order to “put an end to the accusations that flared up again and again about Tobi Reiser's Nazi past”. The association stated that instead of the previous award, a subsequent follow-up project will be presented in autumn 2016.

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. - Tobi Reiser Prize suspended , article from October 2, 2013, accessed on May 17, 2016
  2. - Land distances itself from Tobi Reiser Prize . Article dated May 17, 2016, accessed May 17, 2016.
  3. - After criticism: No more Tobi Reiser Prize . Article dated May 24, 2016, accessed May 25, 2016.