Traudl Well

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Gertraud Well in 1999

Traudl Well (actually Gertraud Well , maiden name Gertraud Effinger ; born November 19, 1919 in Schiltberg ; † January 16, 2015 in Günzlhofen ) was a German folk musician and mother of 15, whose children became known as pioneers of new folk music in Bavaria.


Traudl Well was the daughter of Lorenz Effinger, who was a bader in Schiltberg. She would have liked to study medicine, but the financial situation did not allow it. She became a doctor's assistant, at the age of 14 she was already working for a family of doctors in Hilgertshausen , where she also helped with the household.

She married Hermann Well (1913-1996), a teacher. She lived with her husband from 1949 to 1954 in Willprechtszell , temporarily in Sielenbach , and from 1956 in Günzlhofen. The couple became known through their children: Stofferl , Michael and Hans Well formed the Biermösl Blosn . The daughters soon followed suit and, like their brothers, became known far beyond the borders of Bavaria under the name Wellküren . Traudl and Hermann Well raised their 15 children in financially tight circumstances. She had 340 marks a month for groceries, minus the rent. From an early age she promoted the musical education of the children and practiced pieces of music with which the family performed. Her husband practiced singing with the children, she taught them to play the flute.

Traudl Well learned to play the zither at the age of 40 and the harp at the age of 55 in order to be able to stand on stage. In 2005, she and her son Hans recorded some zither pieces for Bayerischer Rundfunk . In 2007, Vogue magazine portrayed Traudl Well in a detailed report. She still performed when she was more than 90 years old. In 2012 she took part in the house music evening Fein sein with her sons and daughters , staying together in the Münchner Kammerspiele under the direction of Franz Wittenbrink .

At the adult education center in Olching , Traudl Well gave courses in making monastery works from wax until he was 90 . She then passed the instructions on at home.

Traudl Well was able to celebrate her 95th birthday. She had her last appearance on the fourth Sunday in Advent 2014 in the packed pilgrimage church Herrgottsruh near Friedberg, where four generations of the Well family performed the nativity play .

She left behind 15 children, 36 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren.


In 2006, Traudl Well received the Federal Cross of Merit “for her commitment to maintaining folk music and culture” .

On her 90th birthday, the community of Oberschweinbach awarded Traudl Well an honorary citizen. She was honored for her commitment “to the preservation of rural customs and for her contribution to the enrichment of cultural village life”.

In 2009, Traudl Well accepted the Tobi Reiser Prize on behalf of her family , awarded by the “Friends of Salzburg Advent Singing ”. The family was honored for its “pronounced musical traditions”, which enabled “cross-generational communication and further development for a contemporary approach to traditions”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family obituary , accessed January 20, 2015
  2. Traudl Well: That's why it shaped Bavaria so much
  3. “Mum fell asleep tonight” , Donaukurier online from January 16, 2015, accessed on January 20, 2015
  4. Bayerischer Rundfunk
  5. ^ Toni Drexler: Biermösl Blosn. In: Historical Lexicon of Bavaria . Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , January 19, 2015, accessed on January 20, 2015 .
  6. Mercury
  7. Mercury
  8. Bayerischer Rundfunk
  9. ^ Gertraud Well adopted , Merkur-online from April 19, 2010, accessed on January 20, 2015
  10. A last nativity play with Traudl Well , Augsburger Allgemeine online from January 17, 2015, accessed on January 20, 2015
  11. Overcrowded and yet familiar Augsburger Allgemeine online from December 24, 2014, accessed on January 20, 2015
  12. Donaukurier
  13. Traudl Well is dead , Süddeutsche Zeitung online from January 16, 2015, accessed on January 20, 2015
  14. ^ Tobi Reiser Prize 2009. Salzburger Heimatwerk , 2009, archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on May 19, 2019 : "On Sunday March 22nd, 2009, the 90-year-old mother Traudl Well, on behalf of her extended family, was presented with the 2009 Tobi Reiser Prize by Governor Gabi Burgstaller ."