Torquato Taramelli

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Torquato Taramelli

Torquato Taramelli (born October 15, 1845 in Bergamo , † March 31, 1922 in Pavia ) was an Italian geoscientist . He founded the Italian Institute of Geology ( Italian Istituto geologico italiano ) and was co-founder of several other Italian organizations in this field, where he made a significant contribution to bring this science in Italy to a European level.

After graduating from the Milan Polytechnic with a degree in natural sciences at the age of 19 , he became an assistant to Antonio Stoppani and devoted himself to geological studies in Friuli , the Trieste area and Istria . He made a fundamental contribution to the creation of the first geological map of Italy. In 1874 he founded the Società Alpina Friulana, a section of the Club Alpino Italiano , and became its first president.

He held the chairs of geology in Genoa , then, from 1875, in Pavia, where he also received the chair of paleontology . In the academic years 1888–89 and 1890–91 he was rector of the University of Pavia .

Based on his seismological studies , he created the first Italian network for geodynamic observations.

In 1879 he became a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei , and in 1891 Socio nazionale (full member). He also belonged to the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati and was President of the Società Geologica Italiana .

Torquato Taramelli was married to Clotilde Boschetti. The marriage of the eminent archaeologist and prehistorian Antonio Taramelli was born .


Web links

Commons : Torquato Taramelli  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Entry in I professori dell'Università di Pavia (1859-1961) at the Centro per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia

Individual evidence

  1. La scuola - Storia e missioni. In: Retrieved August 4, 2020 (Italian).
  2. Storia. In: Retrieved August 4, 2020 (Italian).
  3. ^ A b Pietro Corsi:  Torquato Taramelli. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).